Page 14 - FIGI - Big data, machine learning, consumer protection and privacy
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and framing key issues for consideration when devel-  to, and responsibility for the things firms may do with
            oping regulatory frameworks (including potentially   personal data, including in relation to accuracy in
            self-regulatory frameworks).                       machine learning models (section 6.1), bias and dis-
               Section 4 introduces the key concepts in play,   criminatory treatment (section 6.2), data breach and
            starting with the technology and market trends     re-identification (section 6.3), and transfer of data to
            of big data and machine learning (section 4.1), the   third parties (section 1.1).
            kinds of data that are used (section 4.2), what profil-  Section 7 turns to the post-engagement phase,
            ing and automated decisions use such data (section   and the consumer’s means of holding big data and
            4.3). It then turns to explain and then the regulatory   machine learning operators accountable for viola-
            dimensions  that  these  raise  throughout  the  paper:   tions of consumer protection and data privacy laws.
            consumer protection (section 4.4) and data privacy   It looks at consumers’ rights to access personal data
            (section 4.5).                                     about themselves, rectifying errors in it and request-
               The paper then proceeds to consider consumer    ing that it be erased (section 7.1), transparency dif-
            protection and data  privacy  in three broad  phases   ficulties with obtaining explanations for complex
            of the consumer’s encounter with service providers   machine learning model outputs (section 7.2), the
            that rely on big data and machine learning:        right to contest decisions and obtain human inter-
               Section 5 discusses the pre-engagement phase,   vention (section 7.3), and the challenge of showing
            which primarily concerns what disclosures and notifi-  harm (section 7.4).
            cations are required to be made to consumers about   The paper discusses in section 8 some practical
            how and for what purpose their personal data will   steps firms may take to reduce risk in face of the
            be collected, used and transferred to third parties,   legal and regulatory uncertainties. It closes in section
            and requirements for obtaining consumer consent to   0 with a short list of areas for further development
            legitimize use of personal data.                   in this field, whether in the development of ethics,
               Section 1 discusses the engagement phase, which   standards or procedures.
            relates to the restrictions on, requirements relating


            2�1  What are big data and machine learning?       Figure 1 – Machine learning,
            Artificial intelligence involves techniques that seek
            to approximate aspects of human or animal cogni-
            tion  using  computers.  Machine learning, a  form of
            artificial intelligence, refers to the ability of a system
            to improve its performance, often by recognising
            patterns in large datasets, doing so at multiple layers
            of analysis (often referred to as deep learning). 24
            Machine learning algorithms build a model from
            training data, i.e., historical examples, in order to
            make predictions or decisions rather than follow-
            ing only pre-programmed logic. Neural networks
            analyze data through many layers of hardware and
            software.  Each layer produces its own representa-
            tion of the data and shares what it “learned” with the
            next layer. Machine learning learns by example, using
            the training data to train the model to behave in a
            certain way.  Machine learning is not new, but as a
            result of big data, it is suddenly being deployed in
            numerous practical ways.
               Big data relies upon and is typically defined by,
            computer processing involving high volumes and
            varieties of types of linked up data processed at high

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