Page 24 - FIGI Digital Financial Services Consumer Competency Framework
P. 24


             2�4 Manage personal data and privacy
             To protect one’s personal data and privacy. To know that DFS providers should have a privacy policy to inform what
             personal data is collected, for what purpose and how personal data is used and whether the consumer is given the
             option to consent or not on the data that is being collected and/or being transferred to third parties.
             Skills Area                CA2.4-S1 Be able to change one’s privacy settings.
                                        CA2.4-S2 Review privacy policy and identify key terms about personal data use and
                                        whether personal data are being sold or shared with third parties.
                                        CA2.4-S3 Verify the security provided by the DFS providers with regards to personal
                                        CA2.4-S4 Be able to identify privacy policy terms that are a threat to data privacy.
                                        CA2.4-S5 Verify whether data collected is being protected in line with the require-
                                        ments of existing data protection laws.
             Proactive steps            CA2.4-P1 Check the DFS provider privacy policy before carrying out transactions and
                                        be responsible for protecting one’s personal data when using DFS.
                                        CA2.4-P2 Seek the means to opt out of the sharing or sale of one’s data sold.
                                        CA2.4-P3 Utilize the option to disable irrelevant data collection and sharing, if provid-
                                        ed by the service provider, and not accept the default option of sharing all kinds of

             2�5 Protecting health and safety
             To understand and avoid physical and psychological health and safety risks related to the use of DFS.
             Knowledge Area             CA2.5-K1 Understand that abuse of DFS can lead to negative consequences .
                                        CA2.5-K2 Protect oneself against abuse from fraudulent DFS offers.
                                        CA2.5-K3 Be aware that fraudulent DFS offers may lead to financial loss and may
                                        cause severe harm to one’s health.
                                        CA2.5-K4 Be aware of the risks associated with children’s access to DFS, and the
                                        necessity to safeguard their access to DFS (child online protection).
                                        CA2.5-K5 Understand or know the implications of using unhealthy products.
             Skills Area                CA2.5-S1 Monitor children’s devices, including all downloaded apps.
                                        CA2.5-S2 Monitor one personal’s purchasing behaviour in view one’s financial capa-
                                        CA2.5-S3 Monitor and use passwords to prevent children or an authorized person
                                        from accessing or using sensitive or dangerous products and services.
             Proactive steps            CA2.5-P1 Be vigilant regarding one’s purchasing behaviours and evaluating the
                                        effects of merchandising on wellbeing.
                                        CA2.5-P2 Be watchful of one’s surroundings when conducting a DFS transaction.
                                        CA2.5-P3 Set up parental controls and restricted access to DFS for minors.
                                        CA2.5-P4 Be able to contact DFS or consumer protection body on issues of health
                                        and safety.

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