Page 69 - FIGI: Security Aspects of Distributed Ledger Technologies
P. 69

135   Blockchain is designed to operate a single distributed ledger in a decentralized manner over a trustless peer-to-peer
                network but kept reliable through the utilization of cryptographic proofs and a consensus mechanisms to reach global
                agreement as to transactions to be entered into the ledger.
            136   Coined by Vitalik Buterin, Ethereum Founder. NeonVest (2018) The Scalability Trilemma in Blockchain, https:// bit .ly/
            137   See Fischer, M; Lynch, N & Paterson, M (1985) Impossibility of Distributed Consensus with One Faulty Process, available
                at http:// bit .ly/ 2Z1YT6q; Gilbert, S & Lynch, N (2002) Brewer’s Conjecture and the Feasibility of Consistent, available
                at http:// bit .ly/ 2XVRMuF; NULS (2019) Why it is Impossible to Solve Blockchain Trilemma?, available at https:// bit .ly/
                2W7Dkzt; See also Kleppmann, M (2015) A Critique of the CAP Theorem, https:// bit .ly/ 2W2h0XN
            138   Ryan, D & Liang, C (2018) EIP 1011: Hybrid Casper FFG, available at http:// bit .ly/ 32uA3y9
            139   Willemse, L (2018) Solving the Blockchain Scalability Issue: Sharding VS Sidechains, available at http:// bit .ly/ 2M5HOEG;
                Skidanov, A (2018) The Authoritative Guide to Blockchain Sharding, Part 1, available at http:// bit .ly/ 2O4e261
            140   Jia, Y (2018) Op Ed: The Many Faces of Sharding for Blockchain Scalability, available at http:// bit .ly/ 30L6Mxv
            141   The core idea in sharded blockchains is that most participants operating or using the network cannot validate blocks
                in all the shards. As such, whenever any participant needs to interact with a particular shard they generally cannot
                download and validate the entire history of the shard.
            142   This issue does not exist in a non-sharded DLTs. See Medium (2018) Unsolved Problems in Blockchain Sharding,
                available at http:// bit .ly/ 30F1kw0
            143   Wright, C (2017) The Risks of Segregated Witness: Opening the Door to Mining Cartels Which Could Undermine the
                Bitcoin Network, available at http:// bit .ly/ 2Z0A8as
            144   Freewallet (2019) Why Is It Unacceptable to Send Coins to Segwit Addresses?, available at http:// bit .ly/ 2JPJsYq
            145 (2018) Blockchain Sharding Brings Scalability Benefits and Security Risks, available at http:// bit .ly/
            146   McAfee (2018) Blockchain Threat Report, available at http:// bit .ly/ 2YZBq5D
            147   Norton Rose Fulbright (2016) Unlocking the blockchain: A global legal and regulatory guide - Chapter 1, available at
                http:// bit .ly/ 2QPntUK
            148   ibid
            149   https:// www .hackerone .com/
            150   Github (2019) Ethereum Smart Contract Best Practices Bug Bounty Programs, available at http:// bit .ly/ 2JMODZg
            151   A type of equivalence to this issue would be security compromises of the circa-1980s GSM ‒ and later generations of ‒
                mobile communications encryption specifications affecting feature (non-smart) phones whose firmware cannot easily
                be updated with a fix for any vulnerabilities. The ability then to upgrade the cryptographic techniques used for ‘old’
                transactions should be considered in DLT designs.
            152   See further, DarkReading (2019) Quantum Computing and Code-Breaking, available at https:// ubm .io/ 32zrbY3
            153   IDQ (2018) Presentation to ITU DFC Work group, July 2018, New York
            154   ibid.
            155   A type of equivalence to this issue would be security compromises of the circa-1980s GSM ‒ and later generations of ‒
                mobile communications encryption specifications affecting feature (non-smart) phones whose firmware cannot easily
                be updated with a fix for any vulnerabilities.

            156   See Bitcoins Guide (2019) Komodo Incorporates Dilithium, a Digital Signature Able to Ensure Quantum Computing
                Security, available at http:// bit .ly/ 30Cr7Vy
            157   VentureBeat (2019) D-Wave Previews Quantum Computing Platform with Over 5,000 Qubits, available at http:// bit .ly/
            158   ID Quantique (IDQ) is provides quantum-safe crypto solutions, designed to protect data for the long-term future. The
                company provides quantum-safe network encryption, secure quantum key generation and quantum key distribution
                solutions and services to the financial industry, enterprises and government organisations globally. See https:// www
                .idquantique .com/
            159   EveryCRSReport (2012) Supervision of U.S. Payment, Clearing, and Settlement Systems: Designation of Financial Market
                Utilities (FMUs) , available at http:// bit .ly/ 2K1Q5Ht

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