Page 74 - FIGI: Security Aspects of Distributed Ledger Technologies
P. 74

safekeeping function). European Securities and Markets Authority (2019) Advice: Initial Coin Offerings and Crypto-
                Assets, available at https:// bit .ly/ 2CXSjFc
            253   As noted by the European Securities and Markets Authority, ESMA See European Securities and Markets Authority
                (2019) Advice: Initial Coin Offerings and Crypto-Assets , available at https:// bit .ly/ 2CXSjFc, these requirements may also
                apply in relation to the initial recording of securities in a book-entry system (notary service), providing and maintaining
                securities accounts at the top tier level (central maintenance service), or providing, maintaining or operating securities
                accounts in relation to the settlement service, establishing CSD links, collateral management.
            254   European Securities and Markets Authority (2019) Advice: Initial Coin Offerings and Crypto-Assets , available at https://
                bit .ly/ 2CXSjFc
            255   Rocco, G (2018) Emptied IOTA Wallets: Hackers Steal Millions Using Malicious Seed Generators, available at http:// bit .ly/
            256   Binance (2019) Binance Launches DEX Testnet for the New Era of Peer-to-Peer Cryptocurrency Trading, available at
                http:// bit .ly/ 2XZJke2
            257   It has online order matching, versus offline matching in centralized exchanges.
            258   Novikov, I (2018) Why Are Crypto Exchanges Hacked So Often?, available at http:// bit .ly/ 2Y2lDC1; CCN (2018) The
                Common Tactics Used to Hack a Cryptocurrency Exchange, available at http:// bit .ly/ 2YgETj0
            259   Rosic, A (2017) 5 High Profile Cryptocurrency Hacks, available at http:// bit .ly/ 32wI8lL
            260   See the Coincheck failure in 2018 of USD 500 million off XEM currency due to failure to use multi-signature wallets.
            261   Attacker effort to obtain 2 of 3 private keys would be substantial. Rosic, A (2017) Paper Wallet Guide: How to Protect
                Your Cryptocurrency, available at http:// bit .ly/ 2xSTF0T
            262   Novikov, I (2018) Why Are Crypto Exchanges Hacked So Often?, available at http:// bit .ly/ 2Y2lDC1
            263   James, H (2018) First Successful Test Blockchain International Distribution Aid Funding, available at http:// bit .ly/
            264   Such as and create QR codes out of the alphanumeric string to potentially
                generate additional security.
            265   See services such as https:// walletgenerator .net/  which convert addresses into QR codes.
            266   Popular hardware wallets include the Ledger Nano, Trezor One, KeepKey, Archos Safe-T Mini. See https:// trezor .io/ ;
                https:// www .ledger .com/ ; http:// www .archos .com

            267   Helperbit does not require any software download, as the procedure for generating the passphrase takes place on the
                client’s internet browser.
            268   These nodes may be trustless.
            269   As noted below, some newer blockchains design solutions so that some parties can only read the blockchain, while
                others can also sign to add blocks to the chain
            270   Even so, there have been instances where identities of blockchain users have been discovered using transaction graph
                analysis. This uses the transparency of the transaction ledger to reveal spending patterns in the blockchain that allow
                Bitcoin addresses – using IP addresses and IP address de-anonymization techniques - to be bundled by user. Ludwin, A
                (2015) How Anonymous is Bitcoin? A Backgrounder for Policymakers, available at https:// goo .gl/ DJnIvP.
            271   This also depends on the blockchain design. A blockchain can have all of its data encrypted, but signing/creating the
                blockchain wouldn’t necessarily be dependent on being able to read the data. An example may be a digital identity
            272   Lewis, A (2017) Distributed Ledgers: Shared Control, Not Shared Data, available at https:// goo .gl/ KieCHG.
            273   Ki-yis, D & Panagiotakos, K (2015) Speed-Security Tradeoffs in Blockchain Protocols, available at https:// goo .gl/ Fc2jFt
            274   Ethereum currently manages a maximum of 20 tps, while Bitcoin original only reaches a capacity of 7 transactions per
                second. Bitcoin cash reaches 61 transactions per second (tps). The Visa network reaches 24,000 tps. See Cointelegraph
                (2019) What Is Lightning Network And How It Works, available at http:// bit .ly/ 2XXJsKY
            275   Coined by Vitalik Buterin, Ethereum Founder. NeonVest (2018) The Scalability Trilemma in Blockchain, https:// bit .ly/
            276   See all of the following. Fischer, M; Lynch, N & Paterson, M (1985) Impossibility of Distributed Consensus with One
                Faulty Process, available at http:// bit .ly/ 2Z1YT6q; Gilbert, S & Lynch, N (2002) Brewer’s Conjecture and the Feasibility

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