Page 148 - ITU Journal, Future and evolving technologies - Volume 1 (2020), Issue 1, Inaugural issue
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ITU Journal on Future and Evolving Technologies, Volume 1 (2020), Issue 1

                                                   INTEGRATED SENSING AND

                                   cameras             ULTRA-FLEXIBLE                Camera
                                                  HETEROGENOUS NETWORKS              systems

                                       Space                                     Aerial
                       Radar                          ULTRA-FLEXIBLE            (zeppelins)
                       sensing                          PHY & MAC
                                            Eavesdropper                                       wearables
                           networks                                MIMO and
                           (balloons)   PHY                                               Aerial
                                      security                     Beam-space            networks
                Vehicle                                                                   (UAVs)
                      networks                                              systems          Terrestrial
                      (drones)      Intelligent                                              networks
             vehicles              Undersea                                                            Sensors
                 Fig. 5 – The integration of many different sensor hardware with the heterogeneous communications networks under 6G systems.

          Sensing and Communications (ISAC) has been studied   granular REM information.
          in different domains in the past. Cognitive Radio (CR)
          applications triggered the ISAC research on the last two  The complete information and awareness of the environ-
          decades.  Spectrum sensing and awareness is one of   ment comes at the cost of a high volume of data, variety
          the  irst application areas in the ISAC research [115].  of sources and signi icant processing [80,82]. This neces-
          Location awareness is exploited to improve the wire-  sitates the use of big-data processing techniques [122]. A
          less communications system design in [116]. Satellite  signi icant challenge, however, in this regard is the over-
          and drone images can be used to predict channel pa-  head of data exchange between the sensing and process-
          rameters [117]. Context-awareness is used to optimize  ing nodes. A centralized solution might not be suitable
          network architectures in wireless communications [118].  in such scenarios, rendering the use of edge-computing
          ISAC systems are studied for radar sensing [91, 119] and  imperative, particularly for low-latency use cases. More-
          Wi-Fi network coexistence [120] in the literature. How-  over, the usage of Arti icial Intelligence (AI) solutions can
          ever, the complete list of sensing information that can be  be helpful while processing big-data at the edge nodes.
          useful for the next generation cellular communications
          systems from the ISAC perspective has not yet been   3.5 Intelligent Communications
          comprehensively studied [114].
                                                               The usage of AI in the communications society has
          A Radio Environment Map (REM) is a realization of    increased in recent years. Several survey and tutorial
          the ISAC concept [121].  It is mainly used to obtain  papers are published on the usage of Machine Learning
          environmental information in the literature, however,  (ML) for wireless communications [34, 123–129]. AI-
          for the next generation systems the REM concept will be  aided design and optimization has even been leveraged
          generalized from environmental-awareness to complete-  for the  lexible implementation options provided in
          awareness. REM may include all sensing information in  5G [25]. In many of the studies, AI is put at the cen-
          a multi-dimensional manner for wireless communica-   ter of 6G visions [6, 8, 24, 28, 32, 44, 67, 75, 76, 83] to
          tions networks. To exemplify, REM can be a specialized  complement the classical methods. Indeed, the use of
          database for the ISAC. Therefore, the  lexibility level of  AI is inevitable to incorporate intelligence in the future
          the ISAC systems can be determined by the dimensions in  networks [130–132]. AI-aided methods can propose fast
          REMs. Each dimension in a REM increase the awareness,  and ef icient solutions in case enough data is available.
          allowing better resource utilization. Moreover, control
          of the con igurable options and parameters in different  AI and ML also  ind a range of applications in ISAC and
          communications layers of 6G can be enhanced by more  REM paradigms to extract information regarding the en-

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