Page 75 - ITU Journal, Future and evolving technologies - Volume 1 (2020), Issue 1, Inaugural issue
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ITU Journal on Future and Evolving Technologies, Volume 1 (2020), Issue 1


                 Christos Liaskos 1,2 , Georgios G. Pyrialakos 2,3 , Alexandros Pitilakis 2,3 , Ageliki Tsioliaridou , Michail
                 Christodoulou 2,3 , Nikolaos Kantartzis 2,3 , Sotiris Ioannidis 4,2 , Andreas Pitsillides , Ian F. Akyildiz 5
            1 Computer Science Engineering Dept., University of Ioannina, Ioannina, Greece, Foundation for Research and
           Technology - Hellas, Heraklion, Greece, Electrical and Computer Engineering Dept., Aristotle University, Greece,
          4 Technical University of Chania, Crete, Greece, Computer Science Dept., University of Cyprus, Nicosia, Cyprus,
                                   NOTE: Corresponding author: Christos Liaskos,

          Abstract – A new paradigm called the Internet of MetaMaterial Things (IoMMT) is introduced in this paper where
          artificial materials with real-time tunable physical properties can be interconnected to form a network to realize com-
          munication through software-controlled electromagnetic, acoustic, and mechanical energy waves. The IoMMT will
          significantly enrich the Internet of Things ecosystem by connecting anything at any place by optimizing the physical
          energy propagation between the metamaterial devices during their lifetime, via “eco-firmware” updates. First, the means
          for abstracting the complex physics behind these materials are explored, showing their integration into the IoT world.
          Subsequently, two novel software categories for the material things are proposed, namely the metamaterial Application
          Programming Interface and Metamaterial Middleware, which will be in charge of the application and physical domains,
          respectively. Regarding the API, the paper provides the data model and workflows for obtaining and setting the physical
          properties of a material via callbacks. The Metamaterial Middleware is tasked with matching these callbacks to the
          corresponding material-altering actuations through embedded elements. Furthermore, a full stack implementation of
          the software for the electromagnetic metamaterial case is presented and evaluated, incorporating all the aforementioned
          aspects. Finally, interesting extensions and envisioned use cases of the IoMMT concept are discussed.

          Keywords – Internet of Things, metamaterials, programming interface, software-defined networking.

          1.  INTRODUCTION                                     that has enabled the creation of artificial materials with
                                                               real-time tunable physical properties [2, 3]. Metama-
          Recent years have witnessed the advent of the Internet-  terials are based on the fundamental idea stating that
          of-Things (IoT), denoting the interconnection of every  the physical properties of matter stem from its atomic
          electronic device and the smart, orchestrated automa-  structure. Therefore, one can create artificially struc-
          tion it entails [1]. Vehicles, smart phones, sensors, home  tured materials (comprising sufficiently small elemen-
          and industrial appliances of any kind expose a function-  tary “units” of composition and geometry) to yield any
          ality interface expressed in software, allowing for devel-  required energy manipulating behavior, including types
          opers to create end-to-end workflows. As an upshot,   not found in natural materials. Metamaterials manipu-
          smart buildings and even smart cities that automatically  lating electromagnetic (EM) energy were the first kind
          adapt, e.g., power generation, traffic and heat manage-  of metamaterials to be studied in depth, mainly due
          ment to the needs of residents, have been devised in  to the relative ease of manufacturing as low-complexity
          recent years. This current IoT potential stems from ex-  electronic boards [3].
          posing and controlling a high-level functionality of an
                                                               Going beyond EM waves, the collectively termed elas-
          electronic device, such as turning on/off lights and air-
                                                               todynamic metamaterials can manipulate acoustic, me-
          conditioning units based on the time of day and temper-
                                                               chanical and structural waves, whereas thermodynamic
          ature. This paper proposes the expansion of the IoT to
                                                               and quantum-mechanic metamaterials have also been
          the level of physical material properties, such as electri-
                                                               postulated [4]. Elastodynamic metamaterials, empow-
          cal and thermal conductivity, mechanical elasticity, and
                                                               ered by recent advances in nano- and micro-fabrication
          acoustic absorption. This novel direction is denoted as
                                                               (e.g.  additive manufacturing/3D printing), can ex-
          the Internet of MetaMaterial Things (IoMMT), and can
                                                               hibit effective/macroscopic nonphysical properties such
          have groundbreaking potential across many industrial
                                                               as tunable stiffness and absorption/reflection, extreme
          sectors, as outlined in this paper. There are two key
                                                               mass-volume ratios, negative sonic refraction, etc [5].
          enablers for the proposed IoMMT:
                                                               Their cell-size spans several length scales, depending on
          Key Enabler 1:
                                                               the application: acoustic cloaking/anisotropy/isolation,
          The first key enabler of the proposed IoMMT are the   ultra-lightweight and resilient materials, devices for
          metamaterials, the outcome of recent research in physics  medical/surgical applications and food/drug adminis-
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