Page 76 - ITU Journal, Future and evolving technologies - Volume 1 (2020), Issue 1, Inaugural issue
P. 76

ITU Journal on Future and Evolving Technologies, Volume 1 (2020), Issue 1

          tration, MEMS, anti-seismic structures, etc. Tunability  Sensor                  IoT         MetaMaterials
          of elastodynamic metamaterials can be achieved with      Passive part    Actuate  Gateway Communicate
          electric, magnetic, optical, thermal or chemical stimuli.  Actuator       Sense
          In a nutshell, their operation is as follows: Impinging       Behavior         Compute
          EM waves create inductive currents over the material,    Source  Label
          which can be modified by tuning the actuator elements     Source                                NETWORK
                                                                        Label                             API
          within it (e.g., simple switches) accordingly. The Huy-  Source
                                                                        ABSORB                          MIDDLEWARE
          gens principle states that any EM wavefront departing
                                                                       Source  Label
          from a surface can be traced back to an equivalent cur-        POLARIZATION Alter
                                                                             Source  Label
          rent distribution over a surface [3]. Thus, in principle,             Source STEER
                                                                                    PHASE Alter
          metamaterials can produce any custom departing EM
          wave as a response to any impinging wave, just by tun-
          ing the state of embedded switches/actuators. Such EM
          interactions are shown in Fig. 1 (on the right side). The  Fig. 1 – Networked metamaterial structure and possible energy
          same principle of operation applies to mechanical, acous-  wave interactions [8].
          tic and thermal metamaterials [6].
          Key Enabler 2:
                                                                          absorb()               collimate()
          The second key enabler of the IoMMT is the concept
          of networked metamaterials. These will come with an
          application programming interface (API), an accompa-
          nying software middleware and a network integration                        steer()
          architecture that enable the hosting of any kind of en-
          ergy manipulation over a metamaterial in real time
          (e.g., steering, absorbing, splitting of EM, mechanical,
          thermal or acoustic waves), via simple software call-                        follow()
          backs executed from a standard PC (desktop or lap-                             steer()
          top), while abstracting the underlying physics. The goal                                       steer()
          is to constitute the IoMMT directly accessible to the                    steer()
          IoT and software development industries, without car-
          ing for the intrinsic and potentially complicated phys-
          ical principles. Regarding the IoMMT potential, large
          scale deployments of EM metamaterials in indoor setups
          have introduced the groundbreaking concept of pro-
          grammable/intelligent wireless environment (Fig. 2) [7].  Fig. 2 – The programmable wireless environment introduced
                                                               in [7], is created by coating walls with networked metamateri-
          By coating all major surfaces in a space (e.g., indoors)
                                                               als. This allows for customized wireless propagation-as-an-app per
          with EM metamaterials, the wireless propagation can  communicating device pair, introducing novel potential in data
          be controlled and customized via software. As detailed  rates, communication quality, security and wireless power trans-
          in [7] this can enable the mitigation of path loss, fad-  fer.
          ing and Doppler phenomena, while also allowing waves   ˆ The acoustic metamaterials can surround noisy
          to follow improbable air-routes to avoid eavesdroppers   devices or be applied on windows to provide a
          (a type of physical-layer security). In cases where the  more silent environment, but to also harvest energy
          device beamforming and the EM metamaterials in the       which can be added to a system such as a smart-
          space are orchestrated together, intelligent wireless envi-  household.
          ronments can attain previously unattainable communi-
          cation quality and wireless power transfer [7]. Extend-  Assuming a central controller to optimize a given
          ing the EM case, we envision the generalized IoMMT   IoMMT deployment allows for further potential. For
          deployed as structural parts of products, as shown in  instance, one can allow for quickly “patching” of over-
          Fig. 3:                                              looked physical aspects (e.g., poor ecological perfor-
                                                               mance) of IoMM-enabled products during operation,
           ˆ EM interference and unwanted emissions can be
                                                               without overburdening the product design phase with
             harvested by IoMM-coated walls and be trans-
                                                               such concerns. The “patching” may also be deferred in
             formed back to usable EM or mechanical energy.
                                                               the form of “eco-firmware”, distributed via the Internet
           ˆ Thermoelectric and mechanical metamaterials can   to ecologically tune a single product or horizontal sets
             micro-manage emanated heat and vibrations from    of products.
             devices, such as any kind of motor, to recycle it  In this context, the principal contributions of the paper
             as energy while effectively cooling it. The same   are as follows:
             principle can be applied to a smart household or a
             noisy factory.                                      ˆ We propose the concept of the IoMMT and discuss

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