Page 157 - Kaleidoscope Academic Conference Proceedings 2020
P. 157


                                            Omowunmi Isafiade¹; Ofentse Mabiletsa¹

                            ¹Department of Computer Science, University of the Western Cape, South Africa

                              ABSTRACT                        immersive technologies in agriculture [7]. Researchers and
                                                              developers’ efforts should be informed by the current trend
           Agricultural development is key  to any economic   of  development  in  the  agriculture  sector  and  an  ever-
           development. Immersive technology  plays  a catalytic role   increasing need to support and expand the sector. Hence, we
           and offers  smart  and sustainable  choices  to  farmers who   consider using systematic mapping to identify elements of
           want to  improve on agricultural productivity, and to   existing  research  that  are  dedicated  to  the  application  of
           agricultural training institutes that seek  to use modern   immersive technologies in agriculture to highlight potential
           technology to advance pedagogy and reduce fatalities and   gaps for future research direction. The identified gaps point
           operating  costs  in  the  learning  space,  among  others.   toward unexplored regions of immersive technologies design
           Currently, there are limited descriptive literature reviews in   for  agriculture,  which  could  motivate  future  work  in  this
           the area of immersive technology in agriculture, hereafter   domain of interest. In what follows, this work presents an
           referred to as AVR-Agric. This paper presents a systematic   overview  of  immersive  technology,  and  evaluates  the
           literature review (SLR), which offers a  structured,   following:
           methodical, and rigorous approach to the understanding of
           the trend of research in AVR-Agric, and the least and most   a.  How  are  immersive  technologies  embedded  in
           researched issues. This study  explores and examines the   agriculture?  What  design  elements,  learning
           current trends in the immersive technology-based          contents,  and  immersive  technologies  have  been
           agriculture areas, and provides a credible intellectual guide   laid out to support agricultural practices?
           for future research direction. The SLR was limited to existing   b.  What  integrative  technologies  and  agricultural
           applications and peer-reviewed conference and journal     theories  or  principles  have  been applied  to  guide
           articles  published from 2006 to 2020. The results showed   VR  application  design  and  development  for
           that virtual reality was implemented in 41% of the papers   agricultural advancement?
           reviewed, augmented reality was found in 53%, while only   c.  What evaluation methods have been employed to
           6% considered  mixed-reality  applications. The  study  also   assess the development of immersive technology-
           showed that developments that incorporate IoT, blockchain,   based agriculture content?
           and machine-learning technologies are still at their stage of
           exploration and advancement.                       The  remaining  part  of  the  paper  is  organized  as  follows:
                                                              Section 2 presents an overview of immersive technologies
              Keywords – 4IR, Agric 4.0, AVR-Agric, immersive   and a systematic literature review. Section 3 looks in depth
                               technology                     into AR and VR research in agriculture, analyzing existing
                                                              solutions on offer by other providers. Section 4 highlights
                         1.  INTRODUCTION                     current  trends  in  the  core  areas  of  immersive  technology.
                                                              Section  5  concludes  the  paper  and  makes  future
           The  agriculture  sector  is  a  key  player  in  every  economy   recommendations.
           through job creation and food production [1], [2], amongst
           others.  Immersive  technologies  play  a  key  role  in  the   2.  LITERATURE REVIEW
           development and support of agricultural practices and farm
           offerings  [4].  These  technologies  have  become  mission   2.1   Overview of Immersive Technologies
           critical to several farm operations and have been key to the
           development  of  modern  online  learning  platforms  and   Immersive technologies are technologies that extend reality
           agricultural developments [5], [6]. However, little scholarly   or create a new reality by leveraging 360 environments and
           and  systematic  work  currently  exists  on  how  researchers   offer the ability to naturally interact with the outside world
           have applied the technologies for agricultural purposes that   The technologies span: (i) augmented reality (AR) [8]; (ii)
           considers  the  usage  of  both  high-end  and  budget  head-  virtual reality (VR) [9]; (iii) mixed reality (MR) [10]; and (iv)
           mounted displays (HMDs), among others. Currently, what   extended  reality  (XR).  These  technologies  are  at  the
           exists are limited descriptive literature reviews in the area of   forefront of the fourth industrial revolution (4IR), changing

           978-92-61-31391-3/CFP2068P @ ITU 2020            – 99 –                                  Kaleidoscope
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