Page 170 - Kaleidoscope Academic Conference Proceedings 2020
P. 170

2020 ITU Kaleidoscope Academic Conference

                                                               Which feature in the app is   Exploring the Estate
                                                                 most important to you?

                                                                   Do you have any       Include a commercial
                                                                    suggestions for     component - selling wine
                                                                    improvement?            through the app.

                                                              The application was only evaluated by the client and their
            Figure 7– Winemaker explaining the winemaking process
                                                              partners. Table 1 summarizes the positive feedback received
                                                              on  the  evaluation.  However,  more  evaluation  will  be
                                                              conducted on the updated version of the app to get a sense of
                                                              what the consumers and potential users feel about the app.

                                                                 5.  CONCLUSION AND FUTURE RESEARCH

                                                              This  study  has  demonstrated  the  potential  and  benefits  of
                                                              using  immersive  technologies  to  showcase  wine  farms.
                                                              While many farms generally have a basic website detailing
                                                              what they offer, there is limited development in the form of
                                                              an  immersive  experience  to  promote  visibility  and  an
                                                              exciting  ride  around  the  farm  environment.  This  research
                 Figure 8 – Top three wines selection screen   presents a case study of a real-life deployment for a wine
                                                              farm  within  the  Western  Cape  province  of  South  Africa,
                   Table 1 – Summary of client’s feedback     using  immersive  technologies  as  a  marketing  tool.  The
                                                              application provides a virtual walk-through of the vineyards
                   Question              Client Feedback      (lookout  point),  the  lodge,  the  community  garden,  the
                                                              conference  facilities  as  well  as  the  cellar.  The  client
                                                              representing the wine farm was pleased with the results of
            Considering your complete     Yes (100%)          the application as seen in Table 1. Through the case study,
               experience with the                            we  have  managed  to  introduce  AVR  technologies  and
              immersive application,                          systems as a viable method to advertise wine farm offerings
             would you recommend it                           and  promote  products  produced  by  the  farm.  New  and
                                                              existing farmers in the agricultural sector can benefit from
             to a friend or colleague?                        using  immersive  technologies  to  enhance  their  marketing
                                                              strategies, especially in response to the challenges faced due
                                                              to the Coronavirus pandemic, amongst others.
            What feature(s) do you like   I love the fact that the
                 most in the app?      entire Estate can be   Future  research  needs to  leverage lightweight  applications
                                       explored and that it   that  will  consider  integrative  technologies  such  as  IoT,
                                     showcases the impressive   blockchain,  and  machine-learning  technologies  for
                                                              sustainable agriculture and farm marketing. This will further
                                      visual beauty. It brings   help to quantify and monitor agriculture in new ways that can
                                      winemaker interaction   lead to massive cost reductions and improvements in yield
                                       right into your home,   and other key factors in the farming sector.
                                        which is brilliant!
              How easy is the app to       Quite easy         The authors formally thank the Department of Agriculture,
                     use?                                     Western Cape, South Africa, and L'Avenir, Stellenbosch for
                                                              their support and selfless response during the experimental
            Which feature in the app is   No responses yet for this   phases of this research.
            the least important to you?    question.

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