Page 175 - Kaleidoscope Academic Conference Proceedings 2020
P. 175

                                          STANDARDIZATION ACTIVITIES

                         Yutaka Katsuyama ; Keping Yu ; San Hlaing Myint ; Toshio Sato ; Zheng Wen ; Xin Qi 1
                             Global Information and Telecommunication Institute, Waseda University, Japan
                               School of Fundamental Science and Engineering, Waseda University, Japan
                              ABSTRACT                        various suspicious object detection systems to increase the
                                                              probability of suspicious object recognition. Therefore, it is
           With the intensification of conflicts in different regions, the  very necessary to study AI-based W-band suspicious object
           W-band suspicious object detection system is an essential  detection systems for moving persons [6].
           security means to prevent terrorist attacks and is widely used
                                                              With the expansive development of AI technologies, we will
           in many crucial places such as airports. Because artificial
                                                              usher in the fourth industrial revolution led by AI. It makes
           intelligence can perform highly reliable and accurate services
                                                              our lives faster, easier, and safer. Cooperating with image
           in the field of image recognition, it is used in suspicious
                                                              recognition technologies [7], [8], AI can help suspicious
           object detection systems to increase the recognition rate for
                                                              object systems increase the recognition probability. To this
           suspicious objects. However, it is challenging to establish
                                                              end, it is necessary to build a suspicious object database
           a complete suspicious object database, and obtaining
                                                              by means of simulation and the collection of images from
           sufficient millimeter-wave images of suspicious objects from
                                                              active/passive imagers to assist in AI-based recognition
           experiments for AI training is not realistic.  To address
                                                              technologies. Compared with various mature AI technologies
           this issue, this paper verifies the feasibility to generate a
                                                              for image recognition, it is difficult to establish a suspicious
           large number of millimeter-wave images for AI training by  object database. However, the suspicious object database is
           generative adversarial networks. Moreover, we also evaluate  very important because it directly affects the recognition rate
           the factors that affect the AI recognition rate when the  of suspicious objects by AI technologies.
           original images used for CNN training are insufficient and
                                                              Image generation via a generative adversarial network (GAN)
           how to increase the service quality of AI-based W-band
                                                              [9] is a new idea to build a suspicious object database.
           suspicious object detection systems for moving persons. In
                                                              GAN is a deep-learning model, which is regarded as one
           parallel, all the international standardization organizations
                                                              of the most promising methods for unsupervised learning
           have been collectively advancing the novel technologies of
                                                              on complex distributions in recent years. In this suspicious
           AI. We update the reader with information about AI research
                                                              object detection system, we try to supplement the suspicious
           and standardization related activities in this paper.
                                                              object database by generating some images through the GAN.
                                                              The images in the suspicious object database are generated
            Keywords - Artificial intelligence, generative adversarial
                                                              in three ways:  simulation, collection of images from
              network, millimeter-wave imaging, suspicious object
                                                              active/passive imagers, and GAN. For this suspicious object
                            detection system
                                                              detection system, different types and number of images are
                                                              used for training with a fixed AI model, the recognition rates
                         1.  INTRODUCTION
                                                              for different suspicious objects are different.  This paper
           With the intensification of conflicts in various regions,  will evaluate the suspicious object database for an AI-based
           terrorist attacks occur now and then. Many innocent people  W-band suspicious object detection system to get a higher
           have lost their lives due to terrorist attacks and it has  recognition rate for suspicious objects.
           threatened our daily lives and property. How to prevent  AI technologies have recently attracted much attention from
           terrorist attacks has become a hot topic that gets a great  the research and standardization communities.  National
           concern worldwide. The suspicious object detection system  and multi-national funded research projects have progressed
           [1] is an effective way to prevent the occurrence of terrorist  worldwide.  International Telecommunication Union -
           attacks which have already largely taken place in public places  Telecommunication Standardization Sector (ITU-T) started
           such as airports, railway stations, etc [2], [3]. However, it  AI standardization activities in 2016.  In March 2017,
           is not wise to perform security checks one by one at the  ITU-T Q5/SG20 initiated a new draft supplement ITU-T
           entrance of each gate since this will result in bottlenecks and  Y.Sup.AI4IoT (ex TR.AI4ToT; Y. AI4SC) to examine how
           crowding. It is therefore necessary to perform automated  AI could step in as the saviour and bolster the intent of
           suspicious object detection on moving people. In addition,  urban stakeholders to deploy IoT technologies and eventually
           artificial intelligence (AI) [4] and millimeter-wave (MMW)  transition to smart cities. Moreover, many AI-related ITU-T
           imaging [5], as emerging technologies, have been applied to  Focus Groups are now widely used to address industry

           978-92-61-31391-3/CFP2068P @ ITU 2020            – 117 –                                 Kaleidoscope
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