Page 62 - Kaleidoscope Academic Conference Proceedings 2020
P. 62

2020 ITU Kaleidoscope Academic Conference

           anticipated by organizations to ensure their future viability.   4.2   A typology of “going digital”
           Influential  visionary  leaders  and  open-minded  employees
           proactively  embrace  the  arrival  of  new  technologies  and   The typology illustrated in Figure 1 is defined in terms of
           advancement in technologies (invented inside or outside the   two dimensions – the source of change and the end result of
           organization) to initiate changes, aiming to positively impact   the  change.  Change  is  characterized  as  exogenous  or
           organization  identity  and  operational  routines,  or  take  the   endogenous on the vertical axis of the matrix. The horizontal
           first mover or early adopter advantage. Conversely, from an   axis deals with the end result of a particular change, either
           exogenous  viewpoint,  organizations  initiate  changes  by   realignment or transformation. In a nutshell, four types of
           integrating digital technologies to interact with the outside   change are identified: digitalization, digital mutation, digital
           world. External factors such as competitive market pressures,  metamorphosis,  and  digital  transformation,  and  explained
           customers’  growing  expectations  and  fast-changing   with typical examples.
           behaviors empowered by digitalized offerings with various
           choices,  disruptive  and/or  strong  competitors,  market
           velocity, the emergence of new, hybrid or improved digital
           technologies,  new  emergent  markets  are  invoked  as  the
           ultimate driving forces of change to push organizations to
           respond to perceived pressures and problems. We think the
           difference between these two views of change is critical here.
           Understanding  the  origin  of  change  is  vital  to  deduce
           whether the change is mainly driven internally or externally,
           urgent or not, planned or emergent, and whether it will lead
           to pivots (fundamental alteration) or iterations (adjustments).
           In the absence of exogenous pressures, what gets “put in,” in
           the first place, depends more on the organization itself and
           its  resources  and  choices  to  proactively  react  to  digital
           technologies.  The  shift  of  focus  from  exogenous  to
           endogenous drivers and mechanisms, in this case, may help   Figure 1 – A typology of “Going digital”
           to avoid making detours or taking wrong paths in the “going
           digital” process and increase the success rate.
                                                              4.2.1   Digitalization
           4.1.2   The end result of “going digital”          Digitalization  is  a  non-fundamental  exogenous  change
                                                              undertaken to realign the way the organization operates and
           The  use  of  digital  technologies  may  generate  various   reinvent  the  existing  value  proposition.  When  there  is
           outcomes  (i.e.,  the  consequence  of  change  that  relates  to   external pressure due to a successful new strategy adopted
           processes and offerings, the quality of entities’ relationship   by  a  competitor  or  changes  in  the  availability  of  a  key
           with others such as competitiveness, advantages, efficiency),   resource, organizations will respond by a non-fundamental
           and have a different impact (i.e., the non-quantifiable long-  change implemented gradually through staged initiatives to
           term effects that the change may have: value creation) on the   adapt  and  exploit  digital  technologies  (if  the  external
           organizations in divergent context. We explained how going   pressure  doesn’t  have a  threatening effect);  or  respond  by
           digital  can  differ  according  to  the  patterns  by  which  the   realigning  organizational  operation  in  a  much  faster  and
           nature of change relates to the expected outcome produced   dramatic fashion (if an immediate change is required). This
           while developing the unified definition of DT. In essence,   kind of change is not about doing things in fundamentally
           the improvement can either be radical (DT) or incremental   different ways, nor about fundamentally different things, but
           (digitalization), implying either the emergence of redefining   about keeping pace with the emergent digital technologies.
           value proposition (DT) by capability-driven outcome (e.g.,   Digitalization may involve incremental changes in reaction
           business  model  innovation,  new  revenue  streams,  radical   to  external  problems,  events,  or  pressures;  or  significant
           changes  in  offerings,  and  game-changing  restructure),  or   changes  through  large-scale  and  simultaneous  project
           reinforcing an existing value proposition (digitalization) by   implementation  to  address  the  decline  in  organizational
           economic-driven outcome  (e.g.,  efficiency, cost  reduction,   performance,  resulting  from  the  increasing  misalignment
           errors elimination, and productivity). Aligning with the end   with the operating environment. However, these initiatives
           result of change (e.g., realignment and transformation), we   are still rooted in the organization’s existing paradigm, and
           think what marks digitalization out as a realignment rather   they  do  not  change  the  organization's  identity.  It  usually
           than  DT  is  the  extent  to  which  the  changes  do  not  really   requires  digitizing  problematic  processes  in  operations  or
           extend  beyond  concerns  for  efficiency,  productivity  and   automation  of  inefficient  processes  to  optimize  workflow
           profitability, the fundamental influence of the organization’s   efficiency, cost reduction, and productivity. To fill this gap
           identity and the way employees think about their work.   of insufficient knowledge base within the organization, and
                                                              fully  integrate  digital  technologies  to  achieve  corrective
                                                              maintenance  and  problem-solving,  organizations  may
                                                              involve a merger or acquisition of a high-tech start-up, or
                                                              running accelerator projects and hackathons, or organizing

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