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2020 ITU Kaleidoscope Academic Conference

           [25]   H.  Chesbrough,  "Business  model  innovation:   [37]   B. Tan, S. L. Pan, X. Lu, and L. Huang, "The role
                  opportunities and barriers," Long Range Planning,   of IS capabilities in the development of multi-sided
                  vol. 43, no. 2-3, pp. 354-363, 2010.               platforms: the digital ecosystem strategy of Alibaba.
                                                                     com," Journal of the Association for Information
           [26]   B. W. Wirtz, O. Schilke, and S. Ullrich, "Strategic   Systems, vol. 16, no. 4, p. 2, 2015.
                  development  of  business  models:  implications  of
                  the  Web  2.0  for  creating  value  on  the  internet,"   [38]   W. Li, K. Liu, M. Belitski, A. Ghobadian, and N.
                  Long Range Planning, vol. 43, no. 2-3, pp. 272-290,   O'Regan,   "e-Leadership    thr   strategic
                  2010.                                              alignment:  An  empirical  study  of  small-and
                                                                     medium-sized  enterprises  in  the  digital  age,"
           [27]   W.  K.  Smith,  A.  Binns,  and  M.  L.  Tushman,   Journal of Information Technology, vol. 31, no. 2,
                  "Complex  business  models:  Managing  strategic   pp. 185-206, 2016.
                  paradoxes simultaneously," Long Range Planning,
                  vol. 43, no. 2-3, pp. 448-461, 2010.        [39]   S. K. Sia, C. Soh, and P. Weill, "How DBS Bank
                                                                     Pursued  a  Digital  Business  Strategy,"  MIS
           [28]   C. Velu and P. Stiles, "Managing decision-making   Quarterly Executive, vol. 15, no. 2, 2016.
                  and cannibalization for parallel business models,"
                  Long Range Planning, vol. 46, no. 6, pp. 443-458,   [40]   H.  C.  Lucas  Jr  and  J.  M.  Goh,  "Disruptive
                  2013.                                              technology:  How  Kodak  missed  the  digital
                                                                     photography revolution," The Journal of Strategic
           [29]   S.  Blank,  "Why  the  lean  start-up  changes     Information Systems, vol. 18, no. 1, pp. 46-55, 2009.
                  everything," Harvard Business Review, vol. 91, no.
                  5, pp. 63-72, 2013.                         [41]   Z.  Tekic  and  D.  Koroteev,  "From  disruptively
                                                                     digital  to  proudly  analog:  A  holistic  typology  of
           [30]   E.  H.  Schein,  Organizational culture  and       digital   transformation    strategies,"    Business
                  leadership. John Wiley & Sons, 2010.               Horizons, vol. 62, no. 6, pp. 683-693, 2019.

           [31]   N. Safrudin, M. Rosemann, J. C. Recker, and M.   [42]   N. Furr and A. Shipilov, "Digital doesn't have to be
                  Genrich, "A typology of business transformations,"   disruptive:  the  best  results  can  come  from
                  The 360º  Business Transformation Journal,  vol.   adaptation  rather  than  reinvention,"  Harvard
                  2014, no. 10, pp. 24-41, 2014.                     Business Review, vol. 97, no. 4, pp. 94-104, 2019.

           [32]   A.  Maedche,  "Interview  with  Michael  Nilles  on   [43]   D.  Schallmo,  C.  A.  Williams,  and  L.  Boardman,
                  “What Makes Leaders Successful in the Age of the   "Digital  transformation  of  business  models—best
                  Digital  Transformation?”,"  Business Information   practice,  enablers,  and  roadmap,"  International
                  Systems Engineering, vol. 58, no. 4, pp. 287-289,   Journal of Innovation Management, vol. 21, no. 08,
                  2016.                                              p. 1740014, 2017.

           [33]   C.  Dremel,  J.  Wulf,  M.  M.  Herterich,  J.-C.   [44]   B. Tabrizi, E. Lam, K. Girard, and V. Irvin, "Digital
                  Waizmann,  and  W.  Brenner,  "How  AUDI  AG       transformation is not about technology," Harvard
                  Established  Big  Data  Analytics  in  Its  Digital   Business Review, vol. 13, 2019.
                  Transformation," MIS Quarterly Executive, vol. 16,
                  no. 2, 2017.                                [45]   T.  Berger,  C.  Chen,  and  C.  B.  Frey,  "Drivers  of
                                                                     disruption? Estimating the Uber effect," European
           [34]   F.  Svahn,  L.  Mathiassen,  and  R.  Lindgren,    Economic Review, vol. 110, pp. 197-210, 2018.
                  "Embracing Digital Innovation in Incumbent Firms:
                  How Volvo Cars Managed Competing Concerns,"   [46]   D.  Guttentag,  "Airbnb:  disruptive  innovation  and
                  MIS Quarterly, vol. 41, no. 1, 2017.               the  rise  of  an  informal  tourism  accommodation
                                                                     sector," Current issues in Tourism, vol. 18, no. 12,
           [35]   S. M. Laudien and B. Daxböck, "Path dependence     pp. 1192-1217, 2015.
                  as  a  barrier  to  business  model  change  in
                  manufacturing firms: insights from a multiple-case   [47]   S.  Chanias,  M.  D.  Myers,  and  T.  Hess,  "Digital
                  study," Journal of Business Economics, vol. 86, no.   transformation  strategy  making  in  pre-digital
                  6, pp. 611-645, 2016.                              organizations:  The  case  of  a  financial  services
                                                                     provider,"  The  Journal of Strategic Information
           [36]   G. Vial, "Understanding digital transformation: A   Systems, vol. 28, no. 1, pp. 17-33, 2019.
                  review  and  a  research  agenda,"  The Journal  of
                  Strategic Information Systems, vol. 28, no. 2, pp.
                  118-144, 2019.

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