Page 41 - ITU Journal, ICT Discoveries, Volume 3, No. 1, June 2020 Special issue: The future of video and immersive media
P. 41

ITU Journal: ICT Discoveries, Vol. 3(1), June 2020

                                     Fig. 1 – Content flow process for an MPEG OMAF system [5].

          the omnidirectional space and is used to guide the   experience of the user. Typical examples of overlay
          player to download and render the appropriate part   include, but are not limited to, advertisements, logos,
          of  the  media  streams.  The  viewport  defines  the   subtitles, thumbnails of a map, etc.
          horizontal and vertical user field of view within the   Some  of  the  omnidirectional  video  use  cases  in
          omnidirectional space.
                                                               which overlays could be used are the following .
          The new OMAFv2 functionalities discussed in this        I.   Omnidirectional sports videos in which the
          paper,  namely  overlays  and  multi-viewpoints,  are        background video consists of the live match
          defined  both  in  the  ISOMBFF,  where  the  storage        that  is  being  played,  and  the  overlay  is  a
          format syntax and semantics are described in detail,         video of the scorecard.
          and  at  DASH  and  MMT  transport  levels  [5].  The   II.   Other use of overlay videos in the context of
          mentioned  new  functionalities  are  purposely              sports  may  include  an  omnidirectional
          described  in  the  following  two  sections  without        background  video  of  the  match  and  an
          mentioning  the  ISOBMFF  and  DASH  syntax  and             overlay video of the highlights package or
          semantics details.
                                                                       an overlay video of a commentary box and
                                                                       interview places.
          3.   OVERLAYS IN THE MPEG OMAF                        III.   Overlays could also be part of an immersive
               STANDARD                                                session  about  a  museum  where  the
          Overlays  are  conventionally  used  to  provide             background video covers the museum near
          complementary information  about  the  video scene           a  well-known  monument,  and  the  overlay
          and  enhance  the  overall  user  experience.  Recent        video tells about the historical facts of the
          studies on the use of overlays in a VR application [20]      monument.
          have hinted that the presence of an overlay within an
          omnidirectional video increases the immersion

          1   It is noted that the list of use cases presented here is not
          exhaustive and is limited only for briefness.

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