Page 78 - ITU Journal, ICT Discoveries, Volume 3, No. 1, June 2020 Special issue: The future of video and immersive media
P. 78

ITU Journal: ICT Discoveries, Vol. 3(1), June 2020

          Table 1 – Communication characteristics of different Embedded ML pipelines and popular respective compression techniques used in the
          literature to reduce communication.
                                              On-Device       Distributed     Federated     Peer-to-Peer
                                              Inference        Training        Learning       Learning
                                           trained models/                     models/        models/
                 • Objects                                  model gradients
                                            model updates                   model updates  model updates
                                                server         all clients   some clients     all clients
                 • Flow
                                              → clients      → all clients    ↔ server     → some clients
                 • Frequency                     low             high          medium           high
                 • Redundancy                    low             high          medium           low

                 Compression Techniques:
                 • Trained Compression:
                    → Pruning                 [28][74][84]        -              [45]            -
                    → Trained Quantization    [77][28][80]        -              [45]            -
                    → Distillation               [31]             -               -              -
                 • Lossy Compression:
                    → Quantization             [18][17]      [3][78][75][8]   [45][11][59]    [55] [44]
                    → Sparsification              -             [49][2]       [59][45][11]      [44]
                    → Sketching                   -              [35]            [47]           [35]
                    → Low-Rank Approx.            -              [72]            [45]            -
                 • Error Accumulation             -           [49][63][39]       [58]           [66]
                 • Communication Delay            -           [86][62][58]       [52]           [76]
                 • Loss-Less Compression       [79][81]          [58]            [59]            -

          2.2 Federated Learning                               the distribution of data among the clients will usually
                                                               be “non-iid” meaning that any particular user’s local
          Federated learning [52][48][37] allows multiple parties to  dataset will not be representative of the whole distri-
          jointly train a neural network on their combined data,  bution. The amount of local data is also typically un-
          without having to compromise the privacy of any of the  balanced among clients, since different users may make
          participants. This is achieved by iterating over multi-  use of their device or a specific application to a differ-
          ple communication rounds of the following three step  ent extent. Many scenarios are imaginable in which the
                                                               total number of clients participating in the optimiza-
          (1) The server selects a subset of the entire client pop-  tion is much larger than the average number of training
             ulation to participate in this communication round  data examples per client. The intrinsic heterogeneity
             and communicates a common model initialization    of client data in federated learning introduces new chal-
             to these clients.                                 lenges when it comes to designing (communication effi-
                                                               cient) training algorithms.
          (2) Next, the selected clients compute an update to the  A major issue in federated learning is the massive com-
             model initialization using their private local data.  munication overhead that arises from sending around
                                                               the model updates. When naively following the feder-
          (3) Finally, the participating clients communicate their  ated learning protocol, every participating client has to
             model updates back to the server where they are ag-  download and upload a full model during every train-
             gregated (by e.g. an averaging operation) to create  ing iteration. Every such update is of the same size as
             a new master model which is used as the initializa-  the full model, which can be in the range of gigabytes
             tion point of the next communication round.
                                                               for modern architectures with millions of parameters.
          Since private data never leaves the local devices, feder-  At the same time, mobile connections are often slow,
          ated learning can provide strong privacy guarantees to  expensive and unreliable, aggravating the problem fur-
          the participants. These guarantees can be made rigor-  ther.
          ous by applying homomorphic encryption to the com-   Compression for Federated Learning: The most
          municated parameter updates [9] or by concealing them  widely used method for reducing communication over-
          with differentially private mechanisms [24].         head in federated learning (see Table 1) is to delay syn-
          Since in most federated learning applications the train-  chronization by letting the clients perform multiple local
          ing data on a given client is generated based on the  updates instead of just one [38]. Experiments show that
          specific environment or usage pattern of the sensor,  this way communication can be delayed for up to multi-

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