Page 81 - ITU Journal, ICT Discoveries, Volume 3, No. 1, June 2020 Special issue: The future of video and immersive media
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ITU Journal: ICT Discoveries, Vol. 3(1), June 2020

          needs to be more thoroughly investigated. For instance,  tings in which deep neural networks are communicated
          it has been shown that it is possible for an adversary to  and has discussed the respective proposed compression
          introduce hidden functionality into the jointly trained  methods and methodological challenges. Our holistic
          model [5] or disturb the training process [16]. Detecting  view has revealed that these four seemingly different
          these adversarial behaviors becomes much more difficult  and independently developing fields of research have a
          under privacy constraints. Future methods for data-  lot in common. We therefore believe that these settings
          local training will have to jointly address the issues of  should be considered in conjunction in the future.
          efficiency, privacy and robustness.
          Synchrony: In most distributed learning schemes of   REFERENCES
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