Page 4 - U4SSC Blockchain for smart sustainable cities
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            This publication was developed within the framework of the United for Smart Sustainable Cities (U4SSC)


            The development of this deliverable was led and coordinated by Soumaya Ben Dhaou (Research
            Coordinator, UNU-EGOV) in collaboration with Kerley Pires (Visiting Fellow, UNU-EGOV) and Judy
            Backhouse (Senior Academic Fellow, UNU-EGOV).

            UNU-EGOV would like to extend its sincere gratitude to all the case authors who devoted substantial
            efforts in drafting the case studies: Yvo Hunink (City of The Hague), Eldar Tuzmukhametov (Smart City
            Moscow), Debasish Kundu (UNECE), Tony Lee Luen Len (Ecosis), Horst Treiblmaier (Modul University
            Vienna), Jorge Díaz García-Herrera (Ayuntamiento de Ronda), Julen Milan Roncero (DeustoTech -
            Universidad de Deusto), Tom Symmons (Nesta, United Kingdom) and Francesca Bria (Barcelona City

            UNU-EGOV would like to thank Gert-Jan Ridder(Dutch Central Judicial Debt Collection Agency), Kimberley
            Van Luchem (City of Roeselare), Renske Stumpel (Gemeente Groningen), Amin Ali Rezaei (Universität
            Oldenburg), Astrid Stroobandt (HOWEST University of Applied Sciences) and Snäll Matts (Lantmäteriet,
            Sweden) for sharing valuable information and insights on their use-cases which contributed to the
            overall enhancement of this report. UNU-EGOV would also like to express their appreciation to Elisabete
            Simoes (UNU-EGOV), Luis Barbosa (UNU-GOV), Antonio Galvez (Smart City Social), Joaquin Rodriguez
            Alvares (Leading Cities), Vimal Wakhlu (ITU-APT Foundation of India), Vitor Fonte (UNU-GOV), Marcela
            Huertas (Green Center), Michael Lake (Leading Cities), Enrico Ferro (Links Foundation), Tauni Lanier
            (EcoCapital), Valerie Khan (Soterida), Benoit Guyot (Step One Group) for their inputs to the discussion
            along with relevant feedback and/or reviews.

            The deliverable strongly relies on the participation and hard work of several U4SSC members who
            diligently contributed to the preparation of the report including: Stefan Junestrand (Grupo Tecma Red
            S.L.), Joao Marco Da Silva (Escola de Engenharia da Universidade do Minho), Francisco Javier G. Gómez
            (Qualica-RD), José Esteban (Secretaría de Estado de Telecomunicaciones e Infraestructuras Digitales),
            Darine Ameyed (Synchromedia Laboratory), Ashwini Sathnur (UNDP), Sven Wagenknekht (BTC-ECHO
            Blockchain Pioneers) and Ali Shoker (INESC TEC).

            Soumaya Ben Dhaou, Kerley Pires and Judy Backhouse wish to thank the U4SSC management team:
            Nasser Al Marzouqi (U4SSC Chairman), Abdurahman M. Al Hassan, and Paolo Gemma (U4SSC Vice-
            Chairmen) for their assistance and contributions.

              ii  U4SSC: Blockchain for smart sustainable cities
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