Page 30 - FIGI Digital Financial Services security assurance framework
P. 30

8�4  Threat: Code Exploitation Attacks
            We characterize these attacks as being those that are aimed at the code comprising DFS applications.

             Affected entity  Risk and vulnerability       Control
                           The risk of  DFS  application compro- C17: Ensure that security libraries offered by the operating
                           mise is due to the following vulnerabil- system are correctly designed and implemented and that the
                           ity:                             cipher suites they support are sufficiently strong.
             DFS Provider  -  Reliance by DFS application on secu-
                             rity libraries offered by operating
                             systems (SD: communication secu-

            8�5  Threat: Data Misuse
            We characterize this threat as relating to the mishandling of sensitive customer data .
             Affected entity  Risks and vulnerabilities    Controls
                           The risks of unauthorized access to user  C18: Ensure all sensitive consumer data such as PINs and
                           data and interception of data in transit  passwords are encrypted, when traversing the network and
                           are due to the following vulnerability:  while the data is at rest.
             MNO           -  Weak encryption practices or send-
                             ing sensitive information in clear text
                             over insecure traffic channels like
                             SMS and USSD (SD: communication
                           The risk of  sensitive data exposure is
                           due to the following vulnerabilities:
                           -  Inadequate data protection controls  C19: Remove customer sensitive data from trace logs. Exam-
                             (SD: privacy)                  ples  of  data  that  should  be  removed  include  cash  retrieval
                                                            voucher codes, bank account numbers, credentials. Instead,
                                                            use place holders, where possible, to represent this data in
             DFS Provider                                   logs.
             and Third-party   -  Exposure of customer sensitive  C20:  DFS  providers  should  restrict  the  sharing  of  informa-
             providers       information  during  transactions  or  tion to be only the minimum amount required for transactions
                             through APIs (SD: privacy)     with third parties and service providers.
                           -  Weak encryption on the API inter- C21: Monitor the use of APIs and encrypt all data shared
                             faces (SD: privacy)            with third parties. Additionally, put into place data manage-
                                                            ment procedures and controls such as signed non-disclosure
                                                            agreements with payment service providers to avoid informa-
                                                            tion/data leakage.

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