Page 26 - FIGI Digital Financial Services security assurance framework
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highlighted in the risk assessment alongside the   ability of the assets. Amongst others, the securi-
               threats that affect an asset.                     ty consequences to DFS can also be in terms of
            iii. Threat identification: A threat is a potential for a   financial loss, image reputation, loss goodwill, reg-
               source to exploit (accidentally or intentionally) a   ulatory bans and fines.
               specific vulnerability. Threats can to DFS assets   ii.  Assess the probability of occurrence of a potential
               can be natural e.g. earthquake and floods, human   threat that can exploit vulnerability and its impact
               e.g. theft and fraud or technical e.g. malware or   if successful. The probability of occurrence should
               server failures. Once a threat is identified, all infor-  take into consideration the preventive, detective
               mation assets should be analyzed to uncover any   controls in place, their effectiveness, implementa-
               vulnerabilities present that can be exploited by   tion and usage.
               the threat.                                     iii. Define Inherent risk rating as a product of Proba-
            iv. Existing control identification: a list of all existing   bility and Impact. The purpose of the inherent risk
               and planned controls, their implementation and    rating is to assist management in prioritizing man-
               usage status.                                     agement actions to address the most significant
            v.  Consequence identification: The magnitude of     risks.
               damage that could be caused by an incidents or a   iv. Define residual risk by assessing the effectiveness
               threat successfully exploiting a vulnerability. This   of the controls that exist for treating the risk. The
               process identifies the assets that can be affected   controls implemented should reduce the risks to
               and severity of impact. The magnitude of damage   an acceptable level based on the DFS stakehold-
               to a DFS asset in most cases is higher than the   ers risk appetite.
               simple replacement cost, they are various damage
               considerations which may be monetary, technical,
               human and regulatory.                           7�6  Risk Evaluation
                                                               During the risk evaluation process, the DFS stake-
                                                               holder will compare identified risks and evaluate
            7�5  Risk Analysis                                 them against predetermined risk criteria to help
            Risk  analysis  helps  to  understand  the  overall  likeli-  determine the risks net effect to the DFS ecosys-
            hood and impact of the threat on asset, which are   tem. It also involves determining the effectiveness
            both important for decision making and prioritiz-  of the existing controls; that is, analyzing the proba-
            ing actions to address the most critical risks and   bility and impact of the risks after considering exist-
            significant risks (risks with the greatest impact). The   ing controls then estimating the residual risks, this
            output of the risk analysis is an updated risk register   process facilities prioritization and decision making
            that includes the probability and impact ratings of   relating to the risk treatment and implementation.
            each risk, Risk analysis may be done quantitatively or   When performing a risk evaluation, the following
            qualitatively, or a combination of both.           should be considered:
               The following process should be outputs of the
            risk analysis phase                                i.  Determine the effectiveness of existing controls in
                                                                 place for each threat vulnerability combination for
            i.  Assessment of consequences; the business         an asset class i.e. effectiveness of controls in place
               impact upon the organization that might result    that would mitigate the threat vulnerability pairing
               from possible or actual information security inci-  ii.  Determine the Risk Impact
               dents should be assessed, taking into account the   iii. Determine the Residual Risk Rating as product of
               consequences of a breach of information security   Probability of occurrence and Impact
               such  as  loss  of  confidentiality,  integrity  or avail-

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