Page 123 - Kaleidoscope Academic Conference Proceedings 2021
P. 123

Connecting physical and virtual worlds

                                                              Table 1 – Procedure for device-independent quantum
                                                              randomness source

                                                               Step 1. Setting parameter.
                                                               1) Assign the least target amount of entropy            (bits) to be
                                                               2) Assign the security parameters;
                                                               3) Under the QPE framework, determine a valid randomness
                                                               witness for later randomness evaluation.
                                                               Step 2. Randomness generation experiment.
                                                               1) Run the Bell test experiment;
                                                               2) Use the QPE method to evaluate the generated randomness
            Figure 1 – The schematic demonstration of the DIQRNG.
                                                               in a real-time manner;
           of the loophole-free Bell inequality test has very high  3) If the randomness evaluation succeeds, goto Step 3.
           requirements for the measurement of entangled sources and  Otherwise, abort the protocol.
           quantum states.  Although entangled atomic systems are  Step 3. Randomness extraction.
           expected to violate Bell’s inequality significantly [22, 23],  Apply a quantum-proof strong extractor to the raw data of the
           the current event rate of these systems during experiments  Bell test and obtain near-uniform random bits under the given
           is very low and it is almost impossible to obtain sufficient  security parameter.
           experimental statistics in a reasonable time frame. Another
           technological route is the entangled photon-based system  The raw data containing quantum randomness is obtained
           [7, 8, 9, 26, 27, 28, 29] with a high event rate, which makes  using a loophole-free Bell test. The final step is randomness
           it possible to implement DIQRNG.                   extraction. With the security parameter of           = 2  ,
                                                              quantum randomness can be extracted using a quantum-proof
                                                              extractor to obtain a uniform number of random bits, the exact
           3.1 DIQRNG setup
                                                              value of which is determined according to practical needs.
                                                              Otherwise, the protocol will be aborted.
           Figure 1 shows the schematic diagram of DIQRNG. This
           system should include three parts: entanglement source,
                                                              3.3 The technological maturity of DIQRNG
           quantum measurement, and quantum random extraction. The
           entanglement source distributes the prepared entangled pairs
                                                              The prototype of DIQRNG has been developed in
           to two measurement stations.  The measurement stations
                                                              the laboratory.  At present, the generation rate of
           need to randomly select a measurement basis vector to
                                                              device-independent quantum random numbers can achieve to
           measure the received photons.  The two measurement
                                                              more than 10000bits/s [18], and there is still much room for
           events need to satisfy a space-like relationship to ensure
                                                              improvement in the future. However, due to the high threshold
           that the two events are independent of each other.  The
                                                              of the DIQRNG technology, the large size of the equipment
           measurement results are used as raw data and the final
                                                              and the high cost, it is difficult to carry out large-scale
           random bits are extracted by an anti-quantum extractor. Using
                                                              promotion. In terms of the technology, DIQRNG is ready
           a high-performance entanglement source and an efficient
                                                              to serve the public. Combined with the Internet, beacon
           random entropy evaluation theory, the randomness of the
                                                              services are provided as a public service to help strengthen
           output can be greater than the random seed, thus enabling
                                                              information security in cyberspace.
           randomness expansion. Only the randomness expansion can
           make the value of DIQRNG practical.
                                                                         4.  RANDOMNESS BEACON
           3.2  DIQRNG protocol                               Randomness beacon [30] is an important use case
                                                              that combines random number generation techniques and
           Currently, there are two protocols: Entropy Accumulation  networking.  It can be understood as a platform that
           Theory (EAT) [24] and Quantum Probability Estimation  periodically distributes a trusted source of random entropy
           (QPE) [25], which can effectively implement DIQRNG and  to most users. Randomness beacons need to satisfy three
           also resist quantum side channel attacks. Taking QPE as  requirements: unpredictability, autonomy, and consistency.
           an example, the process of DIQRNG is shown in Table 1.  Unpredictability means that the value of a random bit cannot
           The process can be divided into three main steps. The first  be predicted before it is generated. Autonomy requires that
           step is to determine the parameters, especially the Quantum  the source of randomness to be able to resist any external
           Estimation Factor (QEF) which plays an important role in  attempts to change the random outcome. Finally, consistency
           randomness evaluation.  It can be used to calculate the  requires that a group of users can receive the same sequence
           iterator for estimating the generated randomness in real  of random bits. DIQRNG can ensure the unpredictability
           time during the randomness generation process.  If the  of the random sources and avoid malicious manipulation
           iterator exceeds a threshold, randomness evaluation can be  of quantum devices from outside, so it is most suitable for
           achieved. The second step is to generate the randomness.  random beacon’s entropy source.

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