Page 125 - Kaleidoscope Academic Conference Proceedings 2021
P. 125

Connecting physical and virtual worlds

                             Figure 3 – Schematic diagram of contract signing based on randomness beacon.

           generated by the beacon coincides at    + Δ   with the random  she discloses the secret to Bob, she will get his receipt       .
           number    at    that they agreed upon. The probability of  As shown in Figure 4, the randomness beacon service
           this event occurring is 1/  . This is a smart contract signing  repeatedly generates a random number            , a series of
           agreement that allows to avoid one of the parties to override  encryption keys (      1 , · · · ,          ) and a decoding key       =
           their commitment with a small probability of failure 1/  ,    (   (    −1)            with period             , and broadcast the signature
           depending on the range of random numbers generated by the  message (      1 , · · · ,          ,   ,    0 +    Δ  ) at    0 +    Δ  , where f is the
           randomness beacon service.                         number of repetitions (    = 0, 1, 2, · · · ). Alice and Bob start
           With a proper design of the randomness beacon service and  communication at the initial time    0 . To execute the protocol,
           potential improvements to the smart contract, the failure  Alice encodes        with Bob’s public key B, plus her own
           probability can be reduced and the efficiency can be increased.  encryption key   , producing the result    =       (      (      )).
           In addition, the service provider of a stochastic beacon  They agree on a random number    0 , which Alice uses to
           does not have access to any contract and does not receive  select the    0    ℎ  encryption key in (   01 , · · · ,    0   ) issued by
           information about the transaction. She/he only broadcasts  the beacon at    0 time. Alice encrypts her decryption key
           one-way signed random numbers to the public. Thus, her/his    (  ) with the key    0   , i.e.,       0   (  (  )). After Bob sends the
           liability is limited and can support decentralized Internet  signed receipt       (      ,    0 ,    0 +/            ) to Alice (the signature
           protocols.                                         can be verified by the other party), she then sends the signed
                                                              message of the cryptodecoding key   (  ) to Bob along with
           4.2.2  Confidential disclosure                           ,    0 and    0 . They also repeat the procedure with a             
                                                              cycle. For the honest party, if the other party does not send
           A randomness beacon protocol can solve the problem of  the required messages in the corresponding period, or if the
           confidential disclosure in the absence of a trusted third party  random number       and the key          they use during             
           [30]. Consider the case where Alice, the custodian of a  starting at time    0 +    Δ  , which matches the random number
           personal document database, agrees to disclose a confidential             , the decoding key   (         ) issued by the beacon at the
           content        to Bob. We assume that Alice is responsible  time    0 +    Δ  . For the latter case, Bob can decode             (  (  ))
           for the authenticity of       , and Bob agrees to keep it  to obtain   (  ), and then decode    by   (  ) and   (  ) to
           confidential. Let        denote the actual string of secrets,  obtain       .
           referred to by the number       . Alice must be sure that when  Bob is considered committed to receive in    0 +    /             time

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