Page 11 - Digital solutions for integrated city management and use cases: A U4SSC deliverable on city platforms
P. 11

List of Abbreviations

              ACC           Auric Command and Control Centre
              ADIF          Administration of Railway Infrastructures
              AENA          Spanish Airports and Area Navigation
              AENOR         Spanish Association for Standardization
              AP            Access Point
              API           Application Programming Interface
              BIM           Building Information Modelling
              BMS           Building Management System
              CBD           Central Business District
              CCTV          Closed-circuit Television
              CCPA          California Consumer Privacy Act
              CEF           Connect Europe Facility
              CIM           Civil information modelling
              CP            City Platform
              DIN           German Institute of Standardization
              EIP-SCC       European Innovation Partnership on Smart Cities and Communities
              EMT           Municipal Transport Company
              ETLs          Extract Transform Load
              EU            European Union
              GDPR          General Data Protection Regulation
              GIS           Geographic information system
              GQOL          Global Quality of Life
              H2M           Human to Machine
              ICC           Integral Control Centre
              iCP           Intelligent City Platform
              ICTs          Information and communication technologies
              ID            Digital Identity
              IEC           International Electrotechnical Commission
              IoT           Internet of Things
              ISO           International Organization for Standardization
              ITU           International Telecommunication Union
              KPI           Key Performance Indicator
              LED           Light Emitting Diode
              LPWAN         Low Power WAN
              M2M           Machine to Machine
              MIMO          Multiple-Input and Multiple-Output
              PLC           Power-Line Communication

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