Page 12 - Digital solutions for integrated city management and use cases: A U4SSC deliverable on city platforms
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PPP           Public Private Partnership
              PRM           Person with Reduced Mobility
              RCMS          Remote Control and Monitoring System
              RECI          Spanish Smart City Network
              ROI           Return on Investment
              SCADA         Supervisory control and data acquisition
              SCP           Smart City Platform
              SDGs          Sustainable Development Goals
              SDO           Standards Developing Organization
              SDP           Smart Dubai Platform
              SME           Small and Medium-sized enterprises
              SNSP          Singapore’s Smart Nation Sensor Platform
              SSC           Smart Sustainable Cities
              U4SSC         United for Smart Sustainable Cities
              UAE           United Arab Emirates
              UK            United Kingdom
              UNE           Spanish standardization Body
              UNECE         United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
              UDP           Urban Data Platform
              US            United States
              USA           United States of America

              x  U4SSC: Digital solutions for integrated city management & use cases
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