Page 5 - U4SSC Case study Daegu, Korea (Republic of), February 2022
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            This case study was researched and written by John Smiciklas (Consultant), Natallia Hubskaya (Consul-
            tant) and Mythili Menon (ITU).
            The technical coordination of the report was conducted by Cristina Bueti (ITU).

            Along with several other individuals who helped support this case study at the City of Daegu, the authors
            would like to thank the following representatives from Daegu: Shim Kwan-Taeck and Ahn Jae-Min and
            representatives from SKtelecom: Lee Kyung-Joon and Goo Young-Hui.
            The authors also extend their special thanks to Neil Livingstone for reviewing and editing the text and
            graphics of this case study.


            The views expressed in this publication are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views
            of ITU and the contributing organizations.
            Any references made to specific countries, companies, products, initiatives, policies, frameworks or
            guidelines do not in any way imply that they are endorsed or recommended by ITU, the authors, or any
            other organization with which the authors are affiliated, in preference to others of similar nature that are
            not mentioned.
            This case study is intended for informational purposes only. The results and findings presented in this
            case study are based on the U4SSC KPIs contained in the collection methodology, which are based in
            Recommendation ITU-T Y.4903 on Key performance indicators for smart sustainable cities to assess the
            achievement of sustainable development goals.
            This report is based on the project conducted in Daegu in 2021. Information provided is correct as of
            December 2021.
            ISBN: 978-92-61-35731-3


            This case study outlines the journey of Daegu since 2014, when the city’s Smart City Plan was unveiled
            to the public. As a part of ITU’s and Daegu’s collaboration, the U4SSC Key performance indicators for
            smart sustainable cities to assess the achievement of sustainable development goals’, which are based on
            Recommendation ITU-T Y.4903, were implemented to support the assessment of the city’s existing smart
            city undertakings, benchmark performance and underscore effective best practices in order to improve
            the applicability of these KPIs on a global scale. Being one of the pioneering cities in the Asia-Pacific to
            implement the U4SSC KPIs, the findings from the implementation process will also serve as a touchstone
            for other cities in the region, which are also commencing their smart and sustainable city journeys.

            © ITU – All rights reserved. Requests to reproduce extracts of this publication may be submitted
            to jur@ itu .int.

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