Page 13 - Smart tourism: A path to more secure and resilient destinations
P. 13

Finally, the return to normalcy will require the generation of transparency and trust such that tourists
            are driven to return to visit a given destination. The contribution of technology is also very important
            here, as it provides personalized knowledge of travelers and their demands to provide them with
            an experience that incorporates the safety and security of feeling cared for and safe during their
            trip and stay at the destination.

            Technology companies share the mission of contributing with their digital solutions for Smart
            Tourism to make travelers want to return to their destinations as soon as possible. This can only be
            achieved by bringing the capacity of these digital solutions and with the accompanying experience
            to enhance tourist destinations to design resilient tourism plans and build strategic infrastructure
            and systems in the areas of safety, health, mobility, the environment and, of course, tourism and

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