Page 18 - Smart tourism: A path to more secure and resilient destinations
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infrastructures, and tourist services. It is also important to develop accessible technology, in
                line with existing norms and international standards.

            COVID-19 has forced a reset of the whole sector. Readiness is key to resilience; hence digital and
            sustainable transformations are not only a must, they are also a great opportunity for the entire
            spectrum of sectors.

            For example, the Smart Tourist Destination Network (Red DTI), managed by SEGITTUR, brings
            together an ecosystem of more than 380 agents: destinations and DMO as titular members;
            institutional members; and collaborating members such as associations, businesses and academic
            institutions. Destinations receive knowledge, technical assistance, tools and support in their digital
            transformation process.

            2.3.3  Expected Results

            The main results of implementing the Smart Tourist Destinations methodology are:

            •  The Smart  Tourist Destinations methodology strengthens local governance through the
                involvement of the different actors from various industries and the creation of a new ecosystem.

            •  The methodology also strengthens the internal management structures, creating new capacities
                in the public and private sectors.
            •  Destinations become more competitive due to the efficient use of its tourism budget and the
                identification of possible synergies with other departments.

            •  The smart strategy boosts the sustainable development of the destination in its environmental,
                economic, and socio-cultural aspects; and, therefore, it aligns strategies and visions with the
                United Nations 2030 Agenda.
            •  For businesses, smart transition facilitates the updating of tourism products and services to offer
                optimal experiences to hyper-connected travelers of the 21st century.

            •  As the Smart Tourism strategy overlaps with the local administration, tourism can better contribute
                to the economic revitalization of the territory, fostering its positive effects in the long term.
            •  The Smart Tourism methodology helps reduce the digital gap and inequality through the
                adoption of technology in the territory, in the public and private spheres.

            •  Finally, it also promotes the consolidation of public-private collaborative schemes based on
                innovation and the leading role of Big Data.

            2.4     Standards and norms for smart destinations

            Tourism is a global industry that is highly competitive and continuously developing in supply and
            demand sides alike. New proposals emerge constantly to attract the attention of tourists, who have
            more information and tools with which to select the most attractive destinations and proposals.

              8  Smart tourism: A path to more secure and resilient destinations
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