Page 14 - Reference framework for integrated management of an SSC - A U4SSC deliverable on city platforms
P. 14

                     SLA           Service Level Agreement
                     SLC           Street Lamppost Controllers
                    SNMP           Standard monitoring protocol
                     SQL           Structured Query Language
                     SSC           Smart Sustainable City
                     STH           Short-term historical
                    U4SSC          United for Smart Sustainable Cities
                     UDP           Urban Data Platform
                     UDP           User Datagram Protocol
                      UN           United Nations
                     UNE           Spanish standardization Body
                    UNECE          United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
                     UNI           User Network Interface
                   UNWTO           World Tourism Organization, a UN Specialized Agency
                    VLAN           Virtual Local Area Network
                     VoIP          Voice over IP protocol
                     VPN           Virtual Private Network
                    VPN-IP         VPN commercial carrier service
                     WAN           Wide Area Network
                    WDM            Wavelength Division Multiplexing
                     Wi-Fi         Technology that enables wireless interconnection of electronic devices
                    WMO            World Meteorological Organization
                     WoG           Whole-of-Government
                    WPAN           Wireless Personal Area
                     WSN           Wireless Sensor Networks

             xii  Reference framework for integrated management of an SSC | June 2023
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