ITU-T Study Group 15 Workshop: Importance of international standards for the deployment of fibre optic broadband network infrastructure – PART SESSION 2

ITU-T Study Group 15

Session 516

Tuesday, 23 May 2023 13:00–14:00 (UTC+02:00) Thematic Workshop

Session 2: ITU-T Study Group 15 relevant standards for the fibre optic broadband network infrastructure

From the moment you pick up the handset of your fixed phone, tap the button of your mobile phone to answer a call, participate in a videoconference with colleagues located in a neighboring country or on another continent or just turn on your PC at home or office to connect to the Internet through your telecom service provider, you use, without paying particular attention to them, and probably without knowing it, a number of ICT standards developed by ITU-T Study Group 15.

ITU-T SG15 international standards (which are named ITU-T Recommendations) define component specifications, technologies and architectures of optical transport networks enabling global information exchange using fibre- or copper-based broadband access networks through which subscribers connect and interface with the outside world. Giving shape to this global communication infrastructure, standards developed by ITU-T SG15 are essential to meet ITU’s Strategic Plan for universal connectivity and sustainable digital transformation, accelerate broadband connectivity deployment and bridge the digital divide to provide access to the internet to the 2.7 billion unconnected people.

In this workshop, experts from SG15 will explain what standards are, how they are created and used and why are they important. Further the workshop will give an overview of the study group’s standardization work and provide insight into relevant standards for the fibre optic broadband network infrastructure and transport network and how the group collaborates with other standards bodies.

This workshop consists of three sessions:
- Session 1 covers “General aspects of standards and standardization work of ITU-T Study Group 15”
- Session 2 presents the “ITU-T Study Group 15 relevant standards for the fibre optic broadband network infrastructure ”
- Session 3 presents the “ITU-T Study Group 15 relevant standards for the optical transport network, architecture and synchronization aspects”

Nine individual presentations will be made from experts in international standardization and research fields. These presentations will consider the relevant work items from Question 2 “ Optical systems for fibre access networks”, Question 5 “Characteristics and test methods of optical fibres and cables, and installation guidance”, Question 6 “Characteristics of optical components, subsystems and systems for optical transport networks ”, Question 7 “Connectivity, operation and maintenance of optical physical infrastructures”, Question 12 “Transport network architectures” and Question 13 “Network synchronization and time distribution performance” of ITU-T SG15.

The ITU-T Study Group 15 workshop will be introduced by Mr. Seizo Onoe - Director of the ITU Telecommunication Standardization Bureau – at the beginning of the session 1.

Agenda of session 2 - ITU-T Study Group 15 relevant standards for the fibre optic broadband network infrastructure
Moderator: Mr Vincent Ferretti - Associate Rapporteur, Question 5 of ITU-T SG15 (Corning)

Mr Glenn Parsons – Chairman of the ITU-T Study Group 15 - will introduce the topics of sessions 2.

Session 2 will focus on ITU-T SG15 relevant standards for the fibre optic broadband network infrastructure. The session will address the topologies for optical access network, including maintenance aspects, the optical components of the physical infrastructure (fibre and cable for the access, installation methods, nodes elements, use cases), as well as the ITU-T SG15 collaboration with IEC TC 86 and ITU standards relationship with IEC standards. Further session 2 will give an insight into the optical systems for fibre access networks (basic and overview of PON and PtP systems, use cases and FTTx, FTTdp, energy saving features, and future trends), including ITU-T SG15 collaboration with IEEE 802.3 and Broadband Forum.

- Talk 1: Topology Options for the physical Access network
Presenter: Mr Han Chao – Editor, Question 7 of ITU-T SG15 (CAICT, MIIT China)

- Talk 2: Reviewing ITU-T SG15 Q5 Recommendations used in the Access Network
Presenter: Ms Jing Li - Editor, Question 5 of ITU-TSG15 (YOFC)

- Talk 3: Optical Systems for Fibre Access Networks
Presenter: Ms Yuanqiu Luo - Editor, Question 2 of ITU-T SG15 (Futurewei)

Guest panellist: Ms Paola Regio - Member of Questions 5 and 7 of ITU-T SG15 (TIM - Telecom Italia Mobile)

Mr Glenn Parsons
Mr Glenn Parsons Chairman, ITU-T Study Group 15 Ericsson Canada (Canada)

Glenn Parsons is an internationally known expert in mobile backhaul/fronthaul and Ethernet technology.
He is a standards advisor with Ericsson Canada, where he coordinates standards strategy and policy for Ericsson, including network architecture for 5G radio transport networks. Previously, he has held positions in development, product management and standards architecture in the ICT industry.
Over the past number of years, he has held several management and editor positions in various standards activities including IETF, IEEE, and ITU-T. He is currently involved with 5G transport standardization in MEF, IEEE and ITU-T and is the working group chair of IEEE 802.1 as well as the chair of ITU-T Study Group 15. He was a Technical Editor for IEEE Communications Magazine and Editor-in-Chief for IEEE Communications Standards Magazine.
He graduated in 1992 with a B.Eng. degree in electrical engineering from Memorial University of Newfoundland.

Mr Vince Ferretti
Mr Vince Ferretti Associate Rapporteur, Question 5 of ITU-T SG15 Corning Incorporated (USA) Moderator

Vince Ferretti, Senior Standards Manager, Global Technical & Industry Standards, is responsible for the development, coordination and communication of Corning’s standards strategy across Corning’s optical fiber, cabling, connectivity and wireless systems and products.
Vince joined Corning in 1993 and has extensive experience in sales, marketing, market development, strategy, product management and engineering while working in a diverse and global environment. His roles within Corning Optical Communications (COC) have spanned Corning’s Japan, OEM, carrier and enterprise market segments, the majority spent in FTTx, wireless and LAN applications.
Vince currently represents Corning in the International Telecommunication Union – Telecommunication (ITU-T) SG15 (Optical Fiber and Cable, Optical Access and Transport) as Vice Chairman of Promotion and Coordination and Associate Rapporteur for Question 5. He also represents Corning in IEC 86A (Fiber and Cable), IEC SC46 JW8 (Hybrid Cables) and IEC TC 108 (Distributed power systems for communications devices) as well IEEE 802.3 study groups/task forces (Optical Access and Ethernet Transport Systems). He oversees Corning participation in ATIS STEP (Fault Managed Power), Optical Internetworking Forum (Optical transport and Co-packaged optics), ORAN Alliance (X-Haul for 5G), and Underwriters Laboratories Projects (Fault Managed Power Systems and Hybrid Cables Safety).
Prior to joining Corning, Vince was an US Naval officer and nuclear engineer serving in the US submarine force.
Vince holds a Bachelor of Science in Engineering from Loyola University in Maryland and a Masters of Science in Management from Troy State University.

Mr Han Chao
Mr Han Chao Editor, Question 7 of ITU-T SG15 China Academy of Information and Communication Technology (CAICT), MIIT China (China)

Han Chao is Senior Engineer at China Academy of Information and Communication Technology (CAICT), MIIT China.
Han Chao works on the development of techniques and standardization relevant to optical fibres, cabling, connectivity and network construction and maintenance, as well as on the promotion and coordination of optical infrastructure sharing between operators and non-operators.
He has been participating in Question 7 of ITU-T SG15 focusing on network construction, operation and maintenance topics and served as editors for several recommendations.

Ms Jing Li
Ms Jing Li Editor, Question 5 of ITU-TSG15 YOFC (China)

Jing Li, is the Manager of Quality Management Department, YOFC.
She focused on fibre and cable testing technology and standardization works for more than 15 years.
Now she is the secretary of IEC TC86/SC86A WG1 and the editor of ITU-T G.650.1, G.650.2, G.650.3, G.655 Recommendations at Question 5 of ITU-TSG15.
Jing Li is an active member in IEC, ITU-T and Chinese domestic standard organizations.
She holds a Master in Optical Communication Engineering from Huazhong University of Science and Technology.

Ms Yuanqiu Luo
Ms Yuanqiu Luo Editor, Question 2 of ITU-T SG15 Futurewei Technologies (USA)

Yuanqiu Luo is a Director of Optical Access Standards in Futurewei Technologies, USA.
She received the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from the New Jersey Institute of Technology.
Dr Luo has been working in the area of optical access networks for more than 15 years. She is an Editor of ITU standards G.987.3 (XG-PON), G.988 (OMCI), G.989.2 (NG-PON2), G.9802 (multiwave PON), G.9803 (radio over fiber), G.9804.2 (50G-PON), and G.9807.1(XGS-PON). She is the Chair of the IEEE 802.3dk Task Force (100G and 200G BiDi). She was the Chief Editor of IEEE standard 802.3cp (10G/25G/50G BiDi) and a Clause Editor of IEEE standard 802.1AS (time synchronization).
Dr Luo is the IEEE Princeton Central Jersey Section Photonics Society Chair. She is a member of the IEEE ComSoc Educational Services Board (ESB). She is currently an IEEE ComSoc Distinguished Lecturer.
Dr Luo teaches the ComSoc training course “Empowering Industry 4.0 with Next Generation Optical Access Networks”. She has been teaching a course on optical access technologies at OFC since 2018. She has published over 60 papers and delivered more than 30 talks. She has invented over 50 US patents.
Dr Luo received the Best Paper Award from IEEE & OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology. She is a two-time recipient of the IEEE Standards Award (both 2011 and 2021). In 2021 she was named a Star in Computer Networking and Communications by the IEEE ComSoc N2 Women. In 2022 she won the IEEE Region 1 Technological Innovation Award for outstanding innovations on highspeed optical access system design and leadership in driving international standards.

Ms Paola Regio
Ms Paola Regio Member of Question 5 and 7 of ITU-T SG15 TIM - Telecom Italia Mobile (Italy)

Paola Regio is in charge of the access network and passive infrastructure engineering and innovation at TIM.
She is involved in the deployment of new products, optical cables and components for FTTH, and in the definition of the technical requirements, including qualifying process and field trials. Paola is also adept in measurements and monitoring of the optical fiber networks and contributes to the optimization of the optical plants acceptance criteria.
She manages collaborations with global vendors and operators, supported by standardization activity. In particular, she is a member of ITU-T Question 5/15 (Characteristics and test methods of optical fibres and cables, and installation guidance), ITU-T Question 7/15 (Connectivity, operation and maintenance of optical physical infrastructures) and of the national committee CEI (Comitato Elettrotecnico Italiano, Technical Commitess 306 and 86).
Paola Regio received in 1993 the degree in Physics from University of Turin and joined TIM in the same year.

5G Technology Digital Divide Infrastructure
WSIS Action Lines
  • AL C2 logo C2. Information and communication infrastructure

The links between session 2 of the ITU-T Study Group 15 workshop and the selected C2 related WSIS Action Line are:
- Broadband network infrastructure
- Standardization work of ITU-T SG15 enabling deployment of a resilient broadband network infrastructure
- ICT connectivity

Sustainable Development Goals
  • Goal 8 logo Goal 8: Promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth, employment and decent work for all
  • Goal 9 logo Goal 9: Build resilient infrastructure, promote sustainable industrialization and foster innovation
  • Goal 10 logo Goal 10: Reduce inequality within and among countries
  • Goal 11 logo Goal 11: Make cities inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable

The links between session 2 of the ITU-T Study Group 15 workshop and the selected Goal 9 related Sustainable Development Goal are:
- Provides network that are both cost effective and robust.
- Supports the deployment of new technologies as they evolve.
- The infrastructure is essentially independent of the services that run over it. This allows the infrastructure and services to evolve independently.