WTPF Forum



General Topic

Pre-WTPF Information Session

20 October

Information on GMPCS

I. Overview of GMPCS
Sessions 1 and 2

21 October

  • Inauguration of the Forum
  • Adoption of Rules of Procedure
  • Presentation of Secretary-General's report
  • Keynote presentations on policy and regulatory issues raised by GMPCS
  • General discussion of policy and regulatory issues raised by GMPCS
II. Overview of Policy and Regulatory Issues Raised by GMPCS
Sessions 3 and 4

22 October

Consideration of draft opinions on GMPCS III. Draft Opinions Concerning GMPCS
Session 5 and 6

23 October

  • Adoption of Forum Report and Opinions
  • Closure of the Forum


    The ITU's first World Telecommunication Policy Forum will consider a common set of policy and regulatory issues raised by the following kinds of satellite systems:

    * see also the Fact Sheet


    At the beginning of each session a keynote speaker, who is a leader in his field, will set the tone for discussion on the broad topics of the Forum.

    The programme is as follows:

    Mr David Leive, Chairman of ITU Regulatory Colloquia and Senior Communications Counsel at Latham & Watkins

    His Excellency Mr Mohammed Gharazi, Minister of Posts, Telegraph and Telephone, Islamic Republic of Iran

    Mr. Kazuo Yoshida, Chairman, Satellite Phone Japan Ltd.

    Mr A. Berrada, Counsellor, PTT Morocco

    A general discussion will follow each keynote address, with active participation from both ITU Member States and the industry.


    In addition to the Forum itself, a special Information Session has been arranged for Sunday 20 October, from 11h00 – 13h00 and 14h30 – 17h30 at the CICG. This session aims to present factual information regarding GMPCS systems and services and to answer technical questions from delegates, thereby allowing the Forum to concentrate on the policy and regulatory issues raised by these systems. It is open to all registered Forum participants.

    Further information about media accreditation to the World Telecommunication Policy Forum can be obtained by contacting the ITU Press Office at:

    ITU Press and Public Information
    International Telecommunication Union
    Place des Nations
    1211 Geneva 20
    Tel: +41 22 730 6039
    Fax: +41 22 730 5939

    Other participants may obtain further information from:
    External Affairs Unit
    International Telecommunication Union
    Place des Nations
    1211 Geneva 20
    Tel: +41 22 730 5118
    Fax: +41 22 730 5881


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    Questions and answers | Documentation | Practical information | Hotel accommodation | The forum venue