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Presentations and supporting documents for GSR

Hong Kong, China
7TH – 8TH December 2002



Speaker/Source Title Titre Título

Doc. #

ITU/BDT Programme Agenda Programa 1
ITU/BDT List of Participants Liste des participants Lista de participantes 2


Speeches / Discours / Discursos

Speaker/Source Title Titre Título
Hamadoun I. Touré,
BDT Director
Regulating for End Users,
Keynote Address
Réglementation pour les utilisateurs finals,
Reglamentar para el usuario final
Discurso de apertura
Tan Sri Abdul Hamid Nuraizah
Closing Clôture Clausura





Documents / Documents / Documentos

Speaker/Source Title Titre Título Doc. #
CompassRose International, Inc. Case Study: Feedback to Regulators from the Private Sector     3
Debevoise & Plimpton, London Case Study: Feedback to Regulators from Investors     11
Apoyo Consultoría Case Study: Feedback to Regulators from Consumers     13


Presentations / Présentations / Presentaciones

Speaker/Source Title Titre Título Doc. #
Geoffrey Cannock, Apoyo Consultoría Regulatory Challenges:  Feedback to Regulators from Consumers    


Robert Bruce, Debevoise & Plimpton, London Telecommunications in Crisis: Perspectives of the financial Sector on Regulatory Impediments to Sustainable Investment     21
Jennifer Bosworth,
CompassRose International
Feedback to Regulators from Private Sector     23




Documents / Documents / Documentos

Speaker/Source Title Titre Título Doc. #
Bob Horton, ACA, Australia Telecommunications Consumer Protection in the Asia-Pacific Region     4
ITU-CTO Model Universal Service/Access
Part I:  Universal Service/Access Policy and Creation and Operation of Universal Service Funds
ITU-CTO Model Universal Service/Access
Part II:  Minimum Subsidy Competitive Auction Mechanisms for Funding Public Telecom Access in Rural Areas and Tariff/Interconnection Regulation for the Promotion of Universal Service/Access
ITU-CTO Model Universal Service/Access
Part III:  Telecentres Objectives and Strategies
APT New Performance Indicators Issues for Converged Services
Report from the APT Forum on Telecommunications Policy and Regulation, May 2002


Presentations / Présentations / Presentaciones

Speaker/Source Title Titre Título Doc. #
Swee Hoe Toh,
Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission
Quality of Service Performance Indicators for Converged Services     5
Gustavo Peña, Regulatel     Calidad y precio in telefonía local: ventaja para operadores y consumidores 6
Marguerite Ouedraogo,
ARTEL, Burkina Faso
  Résultats du 3ème Forum sur la réglementation des télécommunications en Afrique   15
Mario Maniewicz, BDT Developing Human Capacity in Policy & Regulation     


Mogopa Tamasiga,
Botswana Telecommunications Authority
Proposed Policy Guidelines for Universal Access/Service for Telecoms Services in SADC     22
Edgardo Sepúlveda, McCarthy Tétrault LLP Minimum Subsidy Competitive Auction Mechanisms for funding Public Telecommunications Access in Rural Areas and Tariff/Interconnection Regulation for the Promotion of Universal Access     24
David N. Townsend
David N. Townsend & Associates
ITU/CTO Model Universal Service/Access Policies, Regulations, and Procedures
Part I:  Universal Service Fund Policy and Implementation
David N. Townsend
David N. Townsend & Associates
ITU/CTO Model Universal Service/Access Policies, Regulations, and Procedures
Part III Telecentre Options and Strategies
Ernest C.A. Ndukwe,
Nigerian Communications Commission
WATRA - A Regulators Association for West African States     27
Bob Horton,
Australian Communications Authority
Consumer Protection in the Asia-Pacific Region     28
Martha García-Murillo,
School of Information Studies, Syracuse University
Harmonization of Regulation in the Central American Region     29



Other documents / Autres documents / Otros documentos

Speaker/Source Title Titre Título Doc. #
Debevoise & Plimpton, London Discussion Paper on the Use of Alternative Dispute Resolution Techniques in the Telecom Sector     12
Office of Telecommunications and Post Regulation, Poland The National Regulatory Authority in Poland     14
ITU/BDT Final communiqué of the 3rd Forum on Telecommunication Regulation in Africa,
Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso - 19-21 November 2002
Communiqué final du 3ème Forum sur la réglementation des télécommunications en Afrique,
Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso - 19-21 novembre 2002
ITU/BDT Final communiqué of the WATRA meeting,
Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso - 17-18 November 2002
Communiqué final de la réunion de l'ARTAO,
Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso - 17-18 novembre 2002
ITU/BDT Report of the Asia-Pacific regional meeting  user groups/consumer societies of the telecommunication sector     18
Orlando Jorge Mera,
    Hacia la reducción de la brecha digital:
proyectors de desarrollo de las telecomunicaciones en la República Dominicana
Paul Verhoef,
European Commission
Some figures for the investment panel      
Jens Arnbak
OPTA, The Netherlands
Feedback from a Regulator to an Investment Analyst      



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