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Presentations from the ​ITU Joint Workshop on ICT Statistics for CIS and Arab Regions (Tashkent, Uzbekistan, 12-14 Feb 2019)

12 February 2019, Tuesday
10:00-10:15 Opening remarks:
  • H.E. Olimjon Umarov, First Deputy Minister for the Development of Information Technologies and Communications of the Republic of Uzbekistan
  • Farid Nakhli, Programme Officer, ITU Regional Office for CIS
  • Karim Abdelghani, Programme Coordinator, ITU Arab Regional Office
  • Nurudin Mukhitdinov, Director General, Regional Commonwealth in the field of Communication (RCC)
10:15-10:20​ 1. Introduction and rationale of the workshop [Presentation EN]
Speaker: Karim Abdelghani, Programme Coordinator, Arab Regional Office, ITU
10:20-10:50​ Group photo and coffee break
10:50-11:30 2. ITU’s work on ICT statistics
- Overview of ITU work [Presentation EN]
Speaker: Farid Nakhli, Programme Officer, Regional Office for CIS, ITU
- Implementation of Resolution 131 and country engagement with ITU [Presentation EN] [Presentation RU]
Speaker: Mr. Arseny Plossky, TDAG Vice-Chair, Deputy Head of Laboratory, Radio Research and Development Institute, Russian Federation
11:30-12:00 3. Global ICT benchmarks and methodologies [Presentation EN]
Speaker: Martin Schaaper, Senior ICT Analyst, ITU
12:00-13:00 4. Country presentation Uzbekistan
Speaker: Timur Mashanpin, Head of Department of Perspective Development of Telecommunication Networks, Ministry for Development of Information Technologies and Communications of the Republic of Uzbekistan [Presentation EN] [Presentation RU]
Speaker: Jahongir Yuldashev, Head, Department of Living Standards and Social Statistics, State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Statistics [Presentation RU]
13:00-14:00 Lunch break
14:00-15:00 5. The ICT Development Index (IDI) [Presentation EN]
Speaker: Martin Schaaper, Senior ICT Analyst, ITU
15:00-15:30 Coffee break
15:30-17:0 6. IDI supply side indicators [Presentation EN]
Speaker: Iñigo Herguera, Associate Professor of Economics, Complutense University of Madrid, Spain, consultant to ITU
  13 February 2019, Wednesday
09:30-10:30 7. Other supply-side indicators. Bundles: definition and collection; IoT indicators: discussion [Presentation EN]
Speaker: Iñigo Herguera, Associate Professor of Economics, Complutense University of Madrid, Spain, consultant to ITU
10:30-11:00 Coffee break
11:00-11:30 8. Country roundtable: supply side indicators
11:30-12:30 9. New supply-side indicators. New spectrum indicators; international roaming: discussion [Presentation EN]
Speaker: Iñigo Herguera, Associate Professor of Economics, Complutense University of Madrid, Spain, consultant to ITU
12:30-14:00 Lunch break
14:00-14:30 10. ICT potential in education: assessment, monitoring, statistics [Presentation EN]
Speaker: Natalia Amelina, Senior National Project Officer in Education, Chief of Unit, UNESCO IITE
14:30-15:00 11. Country presentation Oman [Presentation EN]
Speaker: Mr Hamed Al Shukeili, Senior Executive Statistics, Information Technology Authority, Oman
15:00-15:30 Coffee break
15:30-16:30 12. ICT Price Baskets. Services, bundles, collection methodology, benchmarking [Presentation EN]
Speaker: Iñigo Herguera, Associate Professor of Economics, Complutense University of Madrid, Spain, consultant to ITU
16:30-17:00 13. Measuring digital transformation in Belarus. Methodology and indicators [Presentation EN] [Presentation RU]
Speaker: Yauheni Salauyou, Head of Department, OJSC "Giprosvjaz", Ministry of Communication and Informatization of the Republic of Belarus
  14 February 2019, Thursday​ ​
09:30-10:00​ 14. Getting ICT data through surveys: coordination and survey planning [Presentation EN]
Speaker: Martin Schaaper, Senior ICT Analyst, ITU
​10:00-10:30 15. Country presentation Egypt
Speaker: Mr Abdallah Yaseen, Statistician, Ministry of Communications and Information Technology, Egypt
​10:30-11:00 Coffee break
​11:00-12:30 ​16. Overview of household ICT indicators, survey design, data processing and data dissemination [Presentation EN]
Speaker: Martin Schaaper, Senior ICT Analyst, ITU
​12:30-14:00Lunch break
​14:00-14:3017. Country roundtable: household statistics
​14:30-15:00 ​18. ITU expert groups [Presentation EN]
Speaker: Karim Abdelghani, Programme Coordinator, Arab Regional Office, ITU
​15:00-15:30Coffee break
​15:30-16:0019. Country presentation Kyrgyzstan [Presentation EN-RU]
Speaker: Ms. Kunduz Tashmatova, Chief of Market Analysis Department, State Communications Agency, State Committee of Information Technology and Communications of the Kyrgyz Republic
16:00-16:30 20. How to report your survey data to ITU [Presentation EN]
Speaker: Martin Schaaper, Senior ICT Analyst, ITU
16:30-16:45 21. Conclusions and closing ceremony