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​​​ITU Workshop on "Machine Learning for 5G and beyond"   
Geneva, Switzerland, 29 January 2018

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Day 1, 29 January, 2018

​08:30 - 09:30Registration
​09:30 - 09:40Welcome and Opening Remarks
​09:40 - 11:20Session 1: Use Case and Applications

: Slawomir Stanczak [ Biography ]
​11:20 - 11:40Coffee Break
​11:40 - 13:20​​Session 2: Challenges and Opportunities
Moderator: Kim Mahler
​13:20 - 14:20 ​Lunch Break
​14:20 - 16:00 Session 3: Operations and Networks
Moderator: Wojciech Samek [ Biography ]
​16:00 - 16:20 ​Coffee Break
​16:20- 18:00Session 4: Methods and Enablers
Moderator: Seongbok Baik [ Biography ]            
​​18:00Wrap-up and Closing Session

 *To be confirmed