Committed to connecting the world


​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Seventh SG13 Regional Workshop on "Standardization of future networks towards building a better connected Africa"​
​​​​Abuja, Nigeria, 3-4 February 2020  ​


Day 1, Monday 3 February 2020

08:30 - 09:30Registration
09:30 - 10:40Opening Remarks
10:40 - 11:10​
​Keynote Presentation: Elliot Kabalo, Manager Standards & Network, Zicta, Zambia & Co-rapporteur of Q5/13: The need for developing countries to benefit from Standardization of Future Networks [ Biography I Presentation ]
11:10 - 11:30Coffee Break
11:30 - 13:00Session 1: Standardization Hot Topics 1, IMT-2020
The objective of this session is to present the main updates in the ITU-T standardization work of IMT-2020 Networks and discuss the main current issues related to this field as well as standardization prospects in the perspective of the African Countries. (QoS with regards to IMT-2020)

Moderator: Simon Bugaba, SG13 RG-AFR Chairman & Uganda Communications Commission, Uganda [ Biography ]
13:00 - 14:30 Lunch Break
14:30 - 16:00Session 2: Standardization Hot Topics 2, Technologies for Network 2030
This session will present the current activities of the ITU-T Focus Group on Technologies for Network 2030 (FG NET-2030) as well as the possible future standardization work on this topic within SG13. Activities of other SDOs in this field could be also discussed.

Moderator: Edoyemi Ogoh, Vice-Chairman, SG12, & Deputy Director, Technical Standards Network Integrity, Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC)  [ Biography ]
16:00 - 16:20Coffee Break
16:20 - 17:30
Session 3: Standardization Hot Topics 3, Trust and Technology Convergence
This session will highlight the standardization activities carried out by ITU-T and other SDOs and organizations on Trust and Technology Convergence, with focus on the main issues/challenges and use cases. Based on the discussion of emerging technologies on future networks and services, this session will highlight the key trends and importance for technology convergence integrated with networking solutions for IMT-2020, cloud computing and big data including trust. It will provide a view on how we can timely address technology convergence in the future standardization work.

Fidelis Onah, Vice-Chairman, SG13 and Co-Chairman of Working Party 2 of SG13 & Nigerian Communications Commissions  [ Biography ]  
​Closure of Day 1

Day 2,  Tuesday 4 February 2020 

09:00 - 09:30Registration
09:30 - 09:40Brief summary of Day 1 Discussion & Program of day 2
09:40 - 11:10Session 4: Standardization Hot Topics 4, Cloud Computing and Big Data
This session aims to highlight the main achievements in technologies, services and standards related to cloud computing activities of ITU-T and other SDOs while presenting an overview on Cloud Computing scenarios in Developing Countries. The session will also discuss the main advances in technologies and services related to Big Data as well as the major current and future activities of SG13 and ITU-T on this topic.

Moderator:  Ifeloju Alakija, Head, Regulatory Services, Main One Cable Company [ Biography ]
11:10 - 11:30Coffee Break
11:30 - 12:30Session 5 : Machine Learning and AI
This session will look at how developing countries can use Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) to leapfrog to future networks.  The session will also look at some advancements that have been made in the ITU in coming up with standards as well as taking stock of applications that may be of benefit to developing countries.

Moderator: Isaac Kobina Kwarko, Head, Fixed Services, Engineering Division, National Communications Authority (NCA), Ghana: Big Data in Ghana [ Biography
12:30 - 13:30 Lunch Break
13:30 - 15:00Session 6: Experiences & Successful Stories from Africa
This session will present some experiences and successful stories of different African telecommunication stakeholders in the workshop’s topics, with focus on the efforts made by these stakeholders to initiate standardization activities on these topics or to get involved in the existent standardization activities of the ITU-T or other SDOs. 

Moderator: Simon Bugaba, SG13 RG-AFR Chairman & Uganda Communications Commission, Uganda [ Biography ​] 
15:00 - 15:45
Panel Discussion: Importance of standardization of SG13 hot topics for African countries
This panel will discuss the importance of standardization of SG13 hot topics, presented during the Workshop (i.e. Trust, IMT-2020, Machine Learning, Technologies for Network 2030 and Technology Convergence, Cloud Computing and Big Data), for African countries as well as possible measures to increase the participation of African Countries in the SG13 standardization activities on these topics.

Moderator: Prince Safah, National Communications Authority (NCA), Ghana
15:45 - 16:00 Closing session