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Documents for JCA-AHF meeting (18 Feb 2015)

JCA-AHF Documents

18 February 2015, ITU Headquarters, Geneva, Switzerland (during ITU-T SG16, 9-20 February 2015)

Number​ ​Document title ​Source
​Doc 202​Captioning transcript of JCA-AHF meeting (Geneve, 18 Feb 2015) ​JCA-AHF
Doc 201​Draft LS/o to IEC TC100 TA16​​JCA-AHF
​Doc 200​Draft LS/o to IEC Systems Committee on AAL​​JCA-AHF
​Doc 199​Draft report of JCA-AHF meeting (Geneva, 18 Feb 2015)​​JCA-AHF
​Doc 198​Captioning transcript of JCA-AHF management meeting (London, 5 Jan 2015) ​​JCA-AHF
Doc 197​Agenda of JCA-AHF management meeting(London, 5 Jan 2015)​​JCA-AHF
Doc 196​Final list of participants​ITU-TSB
Doc 195Hybrid Broadcast Broadband for AllUniversitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Doc 194Third Party Captioning and CopyrightAndrea Saks, G3ict
Doc 193Ofcom’s Public Sector Spectrum Release, award of the 2.3-3.4GHz spectrumBrian Copsey, Invited expert
Doc 192Questions for JCA-AHFBrian Copsey, Invited expert
Doc 191Bluetooth Performance with 2.3 GHz LTE Interference Report - Issue 5Brian Copsey, Invited expert
Doc 190ALD compatibility testing against 2.3GHz LTE, TDD signals at UK Ofcom Baldock June 2014; SUMMARY OF RESULTSBrian Copsey, Invited expert
Doc 189​Brief Overview of 2.3-2.38Mhz to ALD Testing carried out at Baldock, 17-20 NovemberBrian Copsey, Invited expert
Doc 188Update on testing between ALD and 2.3-2.4 GHz mobile phone systemsBrian Copsey, Invited expert
Doc ​187LS/i/r on Assistive Listening Devices (ALD) and the allocation of Mobile Phone Services in the 2.3-2.4 GHz band (reply to JCA-AHF–LS31R1) [from ITU-T SG5]ITU-T Study Group 5
Doc ​186​LS/i on Assistive Listening Devices (ALD) and the allocation of Mobile Phone Services in the 2.3-2.4 GHz band Reference to Documents 1/18, 2/22 [from ITU-D SG1 and ITU-D SG2]ITU-D Study Group 1 and ITU-D Study Group 2
Doc ​185​LS/i on Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R M.1076 Reference to Documents 1/7, 1/8 [from ITU-D SG1]ITU-D Study Group 1
Doc ​184LS/i/r on evaluation of the quality of signing for video relay service (COM12-LS-57) (to ITU-T SG12) [from ITU-T Q26/16]ITU-T Q26/16
Doc ​183LS/i/r on evaluation of the quality of signing for video relay service (reply to SG16 LS 112) (to ITU-T SG16; JCA-AHF) [from ITU-T SG12]​​ITU-T Study Group 12
Doc ​182LS/i on draft ITU-T F.ACC-Term (to ITU-T SG2, SG9, JCA-AHF; ITU-R-SG6, WP5A; ITU-D Q20/1) [from ITU-T SG16]ITU-T Study Group 16
Doc ​181LS/i/r on comments and requests on proposed new work item on user interface for face-to-face speech translation human factor (SG2 -LS64) [from ITU-T SG16]ITU-T Study Group 16
Doc ​180LS/i/r on IMTC work on SIP feature parity with H.323 [from ITU-T SG16]ITU-T Study Group 16
Doc 179LS/i/r on Assistive Listening Devices (ALD) and the allocation of Mobile Phone Services in the 2.3-2.4 GHz band (reply to JCA-AHF – LS 31 – E) [from ITU-T SG2]ITU-T Study Group 2
Doc 178LS/i/r on publicizing character input methods for various ICT devices” (reply to: JCA-AHF – LS 30 – E) [from ITU-T SG2]ITU-T Study Group 2
Doc 177LS/i/r on accessibility issues and “Captcha” (reply to JCA-AHF - LS 28 -E) [from ITU-T SG2]ITU-T Study Group 2
Doc 176LS/i on treatment about FG-DR&NRR deliverables [from ITU-T SG2]ITU-T Study Group 2
Doc 175LS/i/r (reply to JCA-AHF-LS31) on Assistive Listing Devices (ALD) and the allocation of Mobile Phone Services in the 2.3-2.4 GHz band (to JCA-AHF) [from ITU-T SG3]ITU-T Study Group 3
Doc 174Securing and utilising the services of sign language interpreters for the United NationsBeat Kleeb,  World Federation of the Deaf (WFD)
Doc 173Working Document on Adoption and Adaptation of Technologies and Accessibility prepared by the WFD Expert Group on Accessibility and Technology, 24 November 2014Beat Kleeb,  World Federation of the Deaf (WFD)
Doc 172Accessibility needs of deaf peopleBeat Kleeb,  World Federation of the Deaf (WFD)
Doc 171AAL Standardisation in IECDr Kate Grant, Technical Area Manager of IEC TC100 TA16
Doc 170Proposed appointment of a third Vice Chair of the JCA-AHFChristopher Jones, Vice-Chairman of JCA-AHF
Doc 169TSB Report on 2014 Major Activities on ICT Accessibility for PWD


Doc 168BDT Report for JCA-AHF 2015 Activities and Events on ICT Accessibility for PWD since last SG1 in September 2014 – to upcoming events in 2015ITU-BDT
Doc 167ITU accessibility policy for persons with disabilities
End of Year Report 2014 (Updated 6 February 2015)
General Secretariat of ITU
Doc 166Outcomes of PP14 relevant to the JCA-AHF General Secretariat of ITU
Doc 165Rev.1​Revised meeting agenda of JCA-AHF meeting and documents allocation (Geneva, 18 Feb 2015)​JCA-AHF
Doc 165Draft meeting agenda of JCA-AHF meeting and documents allocation (Geneva, 18 Feb 2015)