Page 71 - ITU Kaleidoscope 2016
P. 71

ICTs for a Sustainable World

          As in the monopoly situation, ISPs define termination fee t  Under duopoly competition, the ISPs define termination
          under substitution contracts at the same value as a unique ser-  fee t above their marginal cost. Limited Internet service in
          vice contract. ISPs do not make difference in the allocation  duopoly has a positive impact on end users welfare. indeed
          of termination fee t under the presence of different contracts.  following theorem 2: the higher the marginal gains, the better
          The contracts are treated separately under a price regulation  the quality. With a reduction of t in relation to monopolistic
          p z .                                              ISPs, CPs will allow more content financed by themselves in
                                                             the limited Internet service. Users will access more content
                                                             without any extra cost.
          4.2. Universal service Internet over an exclusivity ISP
          An asymmetric situation could by presented when only one
                                                                             5. CONCLUSION
          ISP provides the limited Internet service. This scenario re-
          flects the case where the policy is targeted to only one ISP. In
                                                             We presented what we believe is a possible alternative for
          several cases, we see in the literature that universal service
                                                             universal service on broadband: a kind of alternative Inter-
          obligation is provided by the incumbent or as part of a con-
                                                             net contract with a free or very small economic participation
          tract specifications defined to a new player in a market. In
                                                             to access a limited version of the service. CP finance their
          the same case, ISP that proposes the limited Internet service
                                                             participation to broadcast their high bandwidth content. We
          take advantage of this situation in a monopoly position. In
                                                             focused our analysis on a scenario where a regulator decides
          this scenario the market power of ISP is no lower than that
                                                             to impose a universal service as a limited version of the In-
          of a monopolistic ISP, because it is the only provider of this
                                                             ternet service through a bandwidth limitation, financing the
          contract. In fact, ISP may compete to obtain the exclusivity
                                                             Internet access by subsidies or a really small price from sub-
          to offer the service by public bidding or paying the competi-  scriber.
          tors to do not provide this service .
                                                             The objective of this paper was to contribute to the litera-
                                                             ture with some public policies insights to be considered by
          Exclusive ISP contracts to provide a limited Internet service
                                                             regulation authorities. We have developed a very simplified
          induce a monopolistic behavior of ISP. The effect of Exclu-
                                                             model that may overlook some issues. First, we developed
          sivity contracts have to be evaluated over a welfare compari-
                                                             a normative static approach, we described the market as it
                                                             should be and not as it is. Second, the vertical integration
                                                             between ISPs and CPs was not included as an issue because
          4.3. Welfare Analysis                              price under a universal service strategy is regulated and ex-
                                                             ante considered. Vertical integration becomes a dynamic
          According to the legal definition of the universal service pol-  evolution of data caps universal service strategy.
          icy p z = c z the price of the subscription to this Internet ser-
          vice will be defined as the net cost of delivering the limited
                                                             As mainly results we show:
          Internet technology. The variation of costumers’ welfare in
          this situation is highly positive because p z < p . The total  • There is a positive effect to propose a Broadband uni-
          social welfare is determined by                         versal service by quality as complement of Universal
                                                                  Service obligation at least in terms of access due to the
                   SW monopoly  = r · g [b] − c cp + ∆CW          reduction of subscription price to a limited bandwidth
                                                                  Internet service over the network.
          Under a duopoly with a symmetric ISP behavior that pro-
          vide a limited Internet service, termination fee is defined  • Limited Internet service price has to be calculated and
          as t 1 = t 2 = c b in a Nash equilibrium in termination fee  fixed by regulations, taking into account the technical
          prices (t , t ) and according to the universal service condi-  components of the service and not the possible loss
          tion p z = c z . The total social welfare is determined by  of benefits or opportunity costs for Internet service
                                                                  providers. ISP will try to defend or justify their po-
                    SW duopoly  = r · g [b] − c cp + ∆CW          sition in order to extract all possible benefit of this
          Proposition 3 Duopoly scenario is welfare superior than
                                                                • Network neutrality policy has to be imposed to ISP
               monopoly scenario. Indeed r · g [b] is a function of t
                                                                  in terms of termination fee t over the different CPs.
               because b = b [t]. With the lowest pricing of termina-
                                                                  Indeed, if monopolistic ISP tries to discriminate CPs,
               tion fee, the revenue level r · g [b [t]] will be higher on
                                                                  ISP will try to reduce the gap between the optimal traf-
                                                                  fic data volume pricing termination fee at the value of
                          SW  z      < SW  z                      revenue level of CP.
                             monopoly     duopoly
                                                                • Duopoly competition scenario is welfare superior than
               Proof. See the Appendix.
                                                                  monopoly scenario. Zero price rating Internet service
            17                                                    in duopoly competition has a positive impact on end
             This kind of practices are allowed under a regulated market, at least not
          under the presence of a regulator.                      users’ welfare.
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