Page 73 - ITU Kaleidoscope 2016
P. 73

ICTs for a Sustainable World

          Where g [b] depends on the capacity of CP to find more clients in
          their business model. We make the assumption g [b] < 0 because
          in the first step, CP works with a very defined clients base. CPs  max  π isp = (p isp − c isp ) α + (p z − c z ) (β + (1 − α))
                                                  2            t
          improve their strategies in the further steps. As result  d π isp  < 0.
                                                  dt 2                                                    (20)

                                                                             (p isp − p z ) (1 − α)
          Proof theorem 2: Optimal data traffic CP in terms of g [b] , on  + 1 +                t · b [t]  (21)
                                                                                β + (1 − α)
          page 4
                                                               s.t.  t ≥ 0
                                 −b·r · g [b]
                          g [b] =
                                     r                       Under universal service condition p z is defined as the net cost to
                                   g [b]                     provide a limited bandwidth Internet service over the network. p z =
                             b = −
                                   g [b]                     c z. Replacing in (20), we get:

          The price elasticity of CP is defined by:                              (p isp − p z ) (1 − α)
                                                                    π ISP =  1 +                  t · b [t]
                                                                                   β + (1 − α)
                                  ∂b cp [t]
                                   b cp [t]
                               t =                    (17)
                                                                  ∂π ISP       (p isp − p z ) (1 − α)
                                                                        =  1 +                   b [t]    (22)
          Replacing (15) and (11b) on (17), we obtain:             ∂t             β + (1 − α)

                                                                               (p isp − p z ) (1 − α)  0
                                                                        + 1 +                    t · b [t]  (23)
                                                                                  β + (1 − α)
                  r·g 00 [b]  1             t           t
            t =   b    =  b·r·g 00 [b]  = −       = −                                                    (24)
                −b·r·g 00 [b]  −b·r·g 00 [b]  (b · r · g [b]) 2  t ∗ 2
                   t          t                                       ∗
                                                             We obtain t from equation 22:
          Proof of Theorem 3 : optimal termination fee (t) from ISP under        ∗     b [t]
          Zero rating price as an option to subscriber, on page 4                t = −  0
                                                                                       b [t]
            max     π isp = (p isp − c isp ) α + (p z − c z ) β + t · b [t]  Proof of Welfare Analysis, on page 5
                                                       (18)  Under this scenario, Internet users utility is defined by:
             s.t.   t ≥ 0
          termination fee t is measured in function of c z and c isp correspond-  u z [b] = f [b] − p z [b]
          ing respectively to the cost per-subscriber of a limited Internet ser-
          vice and to the normal Internet service. p z and p isp corresponding  Corresponding the universal service policy with the legal definition
          to each service price. Under the universal service legal definition,  p z = c isp the price’s subscription to this Internet service will de-
          price is measured as the net cost of provide the service, p z = c z .  fined as the net cost of delivering the limited Internet technology.
          Simplifying 18 we obtain:                          Welfare superior is present in all the cases and highly positive as
                                                             result of p z < p . Variation of social welfare is ∆CW > 0
                      π isp = (p isp − c isp ) α + t · b [t]  The benefits of CPs and ISP are defined as:
          where:                                                         π cp = r · g [b] − c cp − (t) b [t]
                         ∂π isp          0
                               = b [t] + t · b [t]     (19)               z                    ∗
                           ∂t                                            π ISP  = (p z − c z ) β + (t) b [t]
          From 19 we obtain t :                              Under a monopolistic ISP that provides a limited Internet service,
                                    b [t]                    the total welfare is determined by:
                              t = −
                                    b [t]                                 z
                                                             Wz = π cp + π isp
                                ∗                                = (r · g [b] − c cp − (t) b [t]) + ((p z − c z ) β + (t) b [t])
          The optimal termination fee t does not change under the distribu-
          tion of a normal Internet service.                     = r · g [b] − c cp + (p z − c z ) β      (25)
          As a second case, the optimal termination fee (t) ISP under the con-  Under universal service condition p z is defined as the net cost to
          sideraton that monopoly benefits lost by the Internet users shifting  provide a limited bandwidth Internet service over the network. p z =
          is defined as :                                     c z.

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