Page 72 - ITU Kaleidoscope 2016
P. 72

• If this policy is to be proposed by the regulation au-
               thority, it has to be considered in a competition market        r · g [b] − t = 0         (10b)
               structure. A reduced termination fee will be granted to         |   {z   }
               CPs and more content financed by themselves will be
               available to end users.                       Following the implicit function theorem where :
          In conclusion, the expansion of this policy provides bene-     db     ∂h     db     1
                                                                            = −    =⇒    =               (11a)
          fits in terms of participation of indirect financing of univer-  dt     ∂h     dt   r · g [b]
          sal service. Indeed, CPs are not involved in the universal
          service programs with a corresponding participation being  The exact value of b in equation (11a) is b [t], according to equation
          taxes, funds or compensations.                     (10b), b depends on t at the equilibrium. However we note it only b
                                                             to simplify concepts, in a strict sens the exact value is defined as:
          Defining a limited Internet service as a policy to increase In-
          ternet penetration, the benefits merit less concern about the
                                                                            db      1        0
          competitive effects, specially in regions where a large income      =     00    = b [t]        (11b)
                                                                            dt   r · g [b [t]]
          difference between their population is present.
                                                             From equation (11b) we can get:
          Appendix                                                           2      0    000
                                                                            d b    b [t] · g [b [t]]
                                                                               = −           2            (12)
          Proof of Proposition 1: optimal traffic data volume for CP, on     dt 2    r · g [b [t]]
          page 3
                                                             Replacing (11a) in equation (12):
          We consider the following payoff from content provider:
                                                                          1     000        000
                                                                 d b    r·g 00 [b]  · g [b]  g [b]  00
                                                                    = −             = −          = b [t]  (13)
                    arg max    v cp [b] = r · g [b] − b · t      dt 2     r · g [b] 2   r · g [b] 3
                            s.t.   b ≥ 0
                                                             Proof of Theorem 1: optimal termination fee (t) monopolistic ISP,
          where b is the optimization variable, v cp is the utility function for  on page 3
          content provider, in order to maximize v cp [b], we define a Lga-
                                                             We now optimize the ISP program under the assumption of a con-
          grange’s function on Kuhn-Tucker conditions:
                                                             cave function:
                       L = r · g [b] − b · t − λ(−b)
                                                                          π ISP = t · b [t] + (p z − c z ) α  (14)
          The first order condition is defined by:
                                                             Under universal service condition p z is defined as the net cost to
                       ∂L        0                           provide a limited bandwidth Internet service over the network. p z =
                           = r · g [b] − t + λ = 0      (7)  c z. Replacing in (14), we get:
          complementary slackness Kuhn-Tucker conditions for a point to be
                                                                                π ISP = t · b [t]
          a maximum are:
                                                                            ∂π ISP           0
                                                                                  = b [t] + t · b [t]     (15)
                              λ(−b) = 0                 (8)                   ∂t
                                  λ ≥ 0                 (9)  We obtain t from equation (15):
          Solutions of (7) for λ are given by                                          b [t]
                                                                                 t = −
                                                                                       b [t]
                            λ = t − r · g [b]         (10a)
                                                             Replacing (11a) in (15) we obtain:
                               g [b] =                                        t = −b · r · g [b]          (16)
                                                             t > 0 because g [b] concave g [b] < 0.
          Proof of Lemma 2: optimal traffic data volume for CP, on page 3
                                                             In the same way, the second derivative of π isp is simplified by (11b)
          If t − r · g [b] > 0 =⇒ λ > 0. the condition −b = 0 is strictly  and (13) .
          necessary to obtain λ > 0, according equation (8). In other words,
          the constraint is binding.                                     2            0      000
                           0                                            d π isp  1 − t      g [b]
          In contrast, if t − r · g [b] ≤ 0 =⇒ λ = 0. According to equation   =         −         3  t
                                                                         dt 2   r · g [b]  r · g [b]
          (10a) where λ = 0, and replacing λ in equation (7), we get:
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