Page 77 - ITU Kaleidoscope 2016
P. 77

ICTs for a Sustainable World

           2.2. Standards for technology-enhanced learning

           As mentioned in the beginning of this section, NEWTON
           platform aims to integrate and interconnect other  existing
           teaching platforms. For that reason, one of the targets of the
           project is to be developed complying the most recent and
           applicable standards.
           From the point of view of TEL, there is a website from the
           ITU (International Telecommunication Union) [19]  and a
           report on it (see figure 2) [4]  which covers in its section 5 a
           review of specific standardization activities for TEL. In this   Figure 3. Items addressed for TEL standards [4]
           report it is stated that “Learning technology standards do
           not include instructional design, pedagogical  norms,   In the context of more specific technical standards related
           cultural conventions, learning objectives or specific   to  mulsemedia and other next generation TEL strategies,
           learning content”. However, it does consider the issues that   there  are some important standardization initiatives. One
           are referred in Figure 3.                          example  is the media context and control MPEG-V
           In  this  report, it is also highlighted the importance of the   standard  (ISO/IEC 23005) [26, 27] , capable of supporting
           Recommendation ITU-T F.742 [20]  which  describes   mulsemedia applications, providing an architecture and
           application  scenarios of distance learning and deduces   specifications to enable the interoperability between virtual
           general  requirements  to be met by distance learning   worlds  (digital  content  providers of a virtual world,
           services,  and other important initiatives and groups   gaming, simulation, etc.) with the real  world  (sensors,
           working on the standardization of LTE. Some examples are   actuators, vision and rendering, robotics,  etc.).  The
           the  “ITU’s  Focus  Group on Innovation is maintaining a   multimedia content description MPEG-7 standard (ISO/IEC
           living list of emerging ICT products and services” [21], the   15938) [28] is also to be mentioned in this context.
           “ISO/IEC JTC1 Subcommittee 36: Information technology
           for learning, education and training”[22] or the “The IEEE   2.3. Standardization for QoE evaluation in TEL
           Learning Technology Standards Committee (LTSC)”[23].
           It is important also to mention, when talking  about  next   Although some promising research related to the evaluation
           generation technologies, the “IMS Global Learning   of  the  learner experience when using digital learning has
           Consortium (IMS GLC)” [24] a community of educational   been  done  [2, 16, 29], no standardization attempts for
           institutions, government organizations and equipment   defining frameworks and procedures, as to  have  different
           vendors which aims is to bring advances in technology in   comparable results, have been published so far. Likewise,
           order to improve educational participation. It is  also   remarkable efforts can be  identified in the  research
           remarkable the work that is being done in LTSC related to   literature  that  relates to the evaluation of the QoE when
           “Augmented Reality Learning Experience  Model”. This   using mulsemedia (figure 4) and other next generation TEL
           new LTSC working group is developing a standard model   strategies [6, 7, 17, 30-32], but still neither general  nor
           for defining AR-based learning activities. Also of interest   specific standards have been developed in this area.
           in this context, is the “ISO/IEC 19796-1: Learning,   However, the interest for the standardization that relates to
           education and training-  Quality management, assurance   QoE in general us   er applications is well evidenced
           and metrics”[25]  defined by the ISO/IEC JTC1      by  the  increasing number of dedicated standards [33-42],
           Subcommittee 36.                                   whereas the need for  specific standardization for QoE
                                                              evaluation in TEL is underlined in [43]: “The absence of a
                                                              standard,  comprehensive  approach  to  evaluating
                                                              technology-enhanced  learning (TEL) limits the utility of
                                                              individual evaluations,  and impedes the integration  and
                                                              synthesis of results across studies.”
                                                              Therefore, future work and novel proposals are needed to
                                                              standardize a framework and procedures  for  next
                                                              generation TEL strategies  to better understand how new
                                                              generation learners would react to such experiences.
                                                              Furthermore, it would be of high value if such efforts had
                                                              also spread out to define and progress standards for unified
                                                              architectures of mulsemedia, gamification,  augmented
                                                              reality and other next generation  strategies  for
                                                              interoperability between real and virtual worlds. For a plus
                                                              of  value, these proposals could be accompanied with the
                                                              definition of QoE metrics (KQI and KPI) for the evaluation
                                                              of  the  quality  of  service (QoS) in these new emerging
            Figure 2. Standards for technology-enabled learning [4]   scenarios.

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