Page 27 - Unleashing the potenti al of the Internet of Things
P. 27

Unleashing the potential of the Internet of Things                         1

            8       IoT reference model

            Figure  4  shows  the  IoT  reference  model.  It  is  composed  of  four  layers  as  well  as  management
            capabilities and security capabilities which are associated with the four layers.

            The four layers are as follows:
            –       application layer
            –       service support and application support layer
            –       network layer

            –       device layer.

                                             Figure 4 – IoT reference model

            8.1     Application layer
            The application layer contains IoT applications.

            8.2     Service support and application support layer

            The  service  support  and  application  support  layer  consists  of  the  following  two  capability

            –       Generic  support  capabilities:  The  generic  support  capabilities  are  common  capabilities
                    which can be used by different IoT applications, such as data processing or data storage.
                    These capabilities may be also invoked by specific support capabilities, e.g., to build other
                    specific support capabilities.
            –       Specific  support  capabilities:  The  specific  support  capabilities  are  particular  capabilities
                    which cater for the requirements of diversified applications. In fact, they may consist of
                    various  detailed  capability  groupings,  in  order  to  provide  different  support  functions  to
                    different IoT applications.

                                                                  Rec. ITU-T Y.4000/Y.2060 (06/2012)       13
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