Page 32 - Unleashing the potenti al of the Internet of Things
P. 32

1                                     Unleashing the potential of the Internet of Things

            I.2.3   Model 3

            In  model  3,  player  A  operates  the  network  and  platform,  player  B  operates  the  device  and
            applications and serves the application customers, as shown in Figure I.4.

            In general, telecom operators act as player A and other service providers act as player B.

                                                  Figure I.4 – Model 3

            I.2.4   Model 4
            In model 4, player A only operates  the network  and  player B operates  the device  and platform,
            providing applications to the application customers, as shown in Figure I.5.

            In  general,  telecom  operators  act  as  player  A,  other  service  providers  and  vertically  integrated
            businesses act as player B in model 4.
            NOTE  –  A  variation  of  this  model  does  not  include  a  platform  provider  and  associated  platform
            functionalities (player B only provides applications).

                                                  Figure I.5 – Model 4

            I.2.5   Model 5

            In  model  5,  player  A  only  operates  the  network,  player  B  operates  the  platform,  and  player  C
            operates devices and provides applications to the application customers, as shown in Figure I.6.

            In general, telecom operators act as player A, other service providers act as player B, and vertically
            integrated businesses act as player C in model 5.
            NOTE  –  A  variation  of  this  model  does  not  include  a  platform  provider  and  associated  platform
            functionalities (player B only provides applications).

            18       Rec. ITU-T Y.4000/Y.2060 (06/2012)
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