Page 31 - Unleashing the potenti al of the Internet of Things
P. 31

Unleashing the potential of the Internet of Things                         1

            I.1.4   Application provider

            The application provider utilizes capabilities or resources provided by the network provider, device
            provider and platform provider, in order to provide IoT applications to application customers.

            I.1.5   Application customer
            The application customer is the user of IoT application(s) provided by the application provider.

            NOTE – An application customer may represent multiple applications users.

            I.2     Business models
            The IoT ecosystem players may have a variety of relationships in real deployments.

            The motivations for this variety of relationships are based on different possible business models.
            This appendix examines only some IoT business models from the perspective of telecom service
            and network operators. From this perspective, five business models are described below.

            I.2.1   Model 1
            In  model  1,  player  A  operates  the  device,  network,  platform  and  applications  and  serves  the
            application customer directly, as shown in Figure I.2.

            In  general,  telecom  operators  and  some  vertically  integrated  businesses  (such  as  smart  grid  and
            intelligent transport systems (ITS) businesses) act as player A in model 1.

                                                  Figure I.2 – Model 1
            I.2.2   Model 2

            In  model  2,  player  A  operates  the  device,  network,  and  platform,  and  player  B  operates  the
            application and serves the application customers, as shown in Figure I.3.

            In general, telecom operators act as player A, other service providers as player B in model 2.

                                                  Figure I.3 – Model 2

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