Page 274 - Unleashing the potenti al of the Internet of Things
P. 274

3                                     Unleashing the potential of the Internet of Things

            3       Definitions

            3.1     Terms defined elsewhere

            This Recommendation uses the following terms defined elsewhere:
            3.1.1   device [ITU-T Y.2060]: With regard to the Internet of things, this is a piece of equipment
            with  the  mandatory  capabilities  of  communication  and  the  optional  capabilities  of  sensing,
            actuation, data capture, data storage and data processing.
            3.1.2   gateway [ITU-T Y.2091]: A unit which interconnects different networks and performs the
            necessary translation between the protocols used in these networks.
            3.1.3   ID  terminal  [b-ITU-T  Y.2213]:  A  device  with  a  data  reading  and  optional  writing
            capability which reads (and optionally writes) identifier(s) and optionally application data from/into
            an ID tag.
            3.1.4   network mobility [ITU-T Q.1703]: The ability of a network, where a set of fixed or mobile
            nodes are networked to each other, to change, as a unit, its point of attachment to the corresponding
            network upon the network's movement itself.
            3.1.5   NGN service integration and delivery environment (NGN-SIDE) [ITU-T Y.2240]: An
            open environment in NGN integrating resources from different domains and delivering integrated
            services to applications over NGN.
            NOTE – These domains include, but are not limited to, a telecommunication domain (e.g., fixed and mobile
            networks), Internet domain, broadcasting domain and content provider domain.

            3.1.6   open service environment capabilities [ITU-T Y.2234]: Capabilities provided by an open
            service environment to enable enhanced and flexible service creation and provisioning based on the
            use of standards interfaces.

            3.1.7   sensor [ITU-T Y.2221]: An electronic device that senses a physical condition or chemical
            compound and delivers an electronic signal proportional to the observed characteristic.

            3.1.8   universal IC card (UICC) [b-ITU-T Q.1741.7]: A physically secure device, an IC card (or
            'smart  card'),  that  can  be  inserted  and  removed  from  the  terminal.  It  may  contain  one  or  more
            applications. One of the applications may be a USIM.

            3.2     Terms defined in this Recommendation
            This Recommendation defines or uses the following terms:

            3.2.1   actuator: A device performing physical actions caused by an input signal.
            NOTE – As examples, an actuator might act on the flow of a gas or liquid, on electricity distribution,  or
            through a mechanical operation. Dimmers and relays are examples of actuators. The decision to activate the
            actuator may come from an MOC application, a human or MOC devices and gateways.
            3.2.2   machine-oriented communication (MOC): A form of data communication between two
            or  more  entities  in  which  at  least  one  entity  does  not  necessarily  require  human  interaction  or
            intervention in the communication process.
            3.2.3   machine-oriented communication (MOC) capabilities: A set of functions for the support
            and management of MOC applications, shared by different MOC applications and accessed through
            a set of standard interfaces.
            NOTE  1  –  When  MOC  capabilities  are  supported  by  NGN,  they  provide  standard  interfaces  for  MOC
            applications to MOC devices and gateways for data collection, management and operation. They also reuse
            or interact with NGN capabilities [ITU-T Y.2201] [ITU-T Y.2240], IT capabilities or Internet capabilities to
            provide MOC applications.
            NOTE 2 – When MOC capabilities are supported by MOC devices and gateways, they interact with NGN
            functionalities and MOC applications through a set of standard interfaces.

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