Page 278 - Unleashing the potenti al of the Internet of Things
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3                                     Unleashing the potential of the Internet of Things

            capabilities include capabilities for content management, the service dispatcher and access control.
            Details can be found in clause 11.
            NOTE  2  –  Although  not  shown  in  Figure  6-1,  MOC  capabilities  in  NGN  can  also  interact  with  other
            applications outside the MOC service domain, such as social network services (SNS) or blog applications,
            which  can  make  MOC  related  information  available  in  accordance  with  customer  or  application
            The MOC service domain includes MOC applications. MOC applications run the application logic
            and use MOC capabilities accessible via standard interfaces.
            NOTE 3 – Although not shown in Figure 6-1, MOC capabilities and MOC applications can also exist in the
            MOC device domain.

            6.2     Types of machine-oriented communications
            MOC covers communications among MOC devices and humans, specifically:

            –       communications  among  different  MOC  devices  and  among  MOC  devices  and  MOC
            –       communications among MOC devices and other devices controlled by humans.

            The first type of communications deals with data collection, device management, device operations
            and  other  communication  functions  with  remote  equipment.  These  communications  are  used  in
            many  scenarios,  e.g., that  of  MOC  applications  getting  the  relevant  information  provided  by

            The second type of  communications  may be initiated by  remote MOC  devices  to  timely inform
            humans about relevant information detected in MOC devices, or may be initiated by humans to get
            relevant information from remote MOC devices. These communications involve many scenarios,
            e.g., a human connecting to a surveillance camera in his house by using a mobile phone.
            In the case of an MOC device interacting with MOC capabilities in a network domain or with MOC
            applications, the execution of an MOC application in an NGN environment may be divided into the
            following phases:
            •       Data collection: the MOC device detects, measures and records data (e.g., data related to
                    physical properties, multimedia data, etc.). When the MOC device meets a trigger threshold
                    or  receives  an  instruction  from  MOC  capabilities  in  the  network  domain  or  MOC
                    applications,  the  MOC  device  requests  the  NGN  to  transfer  the  data  to  the  MOC
                    NOTE 1 – The MOC device follows the pre-configured policy, which can be decided by the MOC
                    capabilities  or  the  MOC  applications.  According  to  the  policy,  the  MOC  device  detects  data,
                    executes the logic, and initiates the communication to the MOC applications or human-controlled
                    MOC devices to report the relevant information.
            •       Data  transportation:  the  NGN  establishes  a  data  path  between  the  MOC  device  and  the
                    MOC capabilities. The MOC application can communicate with the MOC device directly
                    (without  gateway) under the authorization of  the  MOC  capabilities in  NGN:  in  order to
                    manage the MOC device, the MOC application gets the authorization information from the
                    MOC capabilities which are used for the secure communication's authorization and session
                    key negotiation.

                    NOTE 2 – The MOC device may also initiate such a process.
            •       Data analysis: the MOC application analyses data received from the MOC device. MOC
                    capabilities in NGN can also analyse the data based on rules defined by MOC end users.
            •       Service  delivery:  the  MOC  application  executes  the  service  logic  and  decides  how  to
                    publish  the  information  to  MOC  end  users  (including  MOC  devices,  humans  or  other
                    applications).  Information  delivery  can  be  "active"  meaning  that  the  MOC  application

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