Page 275 - Unleashing the potenti al of the Internet of Things
P. 275

Unleashing the potential of the Internet of Things                         3

            3.2.4   machine-oriented  communication  (MOC) device:  A device involved in  the support of
            MOC applications.
            NOTE – In the NGN environment, an MOC device connects with NGN directly or indirectly through  an
            MOC gateway.
            3.2.5   machine-oriented communication (MOC) end user: An end user of MOC applications.
            NOTE  –  This  end  user  may  be  a  system  (e.g., MOC  application  server,  other  network  equipment,  other
            applications, MOC device, MOC gateway), or a human (e.g., NGN end user).
            3.2.6   machine-oriented communication (MOC) gateway: A gateway which interconnects and
            provides  interoperability  between  MOC  local  networks  and  the  network,  and  where  applicable,
            interoperability at the MOC application level.

            NOTE  –  In  the  NGN  environment,  an  MOC  gateway  acts  as  a  proxy  or  data  aggregator  to  ensure
            interoperability and interconnection of MOC devices with the NGN.

            3.2.7   machine-oriented  communication  (MOC)  group:  A  list  of  MOC  devices  and/or
            gateways grouped according to one or multiple criteria.

            NOTE  –  Criteria  may  include  the  MOC  application  subscriber,  MOC  device  manufacturer,  MOC
            application, or location.
            3.2.8   machine-oriented  communication  (MOC)  local  network:  A  network  which  provides
            connectivity between MOC devices without the intermediation of an MOC gateway, and between
            MOC devices and gateways.
            NOTE – An MOC local network may provide IP based and/or non-IP based connectivity.

            3.2.9   meter:  A  device  that  measures  and  optionally  records  the  quantity,  degree,  or  rate  of
            something, especially the amount of electricity, gas or water used.
            NOTE – A meter is responsible for measuring the total amount of something consumed in a period.

            4       Abbreviations and acronyms

            This Recommendation uses the following abbreviations and acronyms:
            ACI         Application to Capability Interface

            ANI         Application to Network Interface
            API         Application Programming Interface

            B2C         Business to Customer
            CDR         Charging Data Record

            GNSS        Global Navigation Satellite Systems
            GPS         Global Positioning System

            IC          Integrated Circuit
            ID          Identification

            IP          Internet Protocol
            IT          Information Technology
            MOC         Machine-Oriented Communication

            NGN         Next Generation Network

            NNI         Network to Network Interface
            OSE         Open Service Environment
            QoS         Quality of Service

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