Page 81 - Shaping smarter and more sustainable cities - Striving for sustainable development goals
P. 81

Ref.     Category          Definitions/Features           Key concept/            Source
               No.                                                        Keywords

               19    Academic      A smart city is referred to as the   Safe, secure,     Schaffers et al.
                                   safe, secure, environmentally     environment, green,   (2012a)
                                   green, and efficient urban centre of  efficient, urban,
                                   the future with advanced          future,
                                   infrastructures such as sensors,   infrastructure,
                                   electronics, and networks to      sensor, electronics,
                                   stimulate sustainable economic    networks,
                                   growth and a high quality of life.   sustainability,
                                                                     economy, quality of
               20    Academic      Major aspects highlighted in this   Economic, social,   Schaffers et al.
                                   paper balance different economic   urban development.   (2012b)
                                   and social demands as well as the
                                   needs implied in urban
                                   development, while also
                                   encompassing peripheral and less
                                   developed cities.

               21    Academic      A smart city as a high‐tech       Advanced, high‐tech,  Schaffers et al.
                                   intensive and advanced city that   information,        (2012c)
                                   connects people, information and   sustainability, green,
                                   city elements using new           competitive,
                                   technologies in order to create a   innovation,
                                   sustainable greener city, a       commerce, quality of
                                   competitive and innovative        life, administration,
                                   commerce and an increase in the   maintenance.
                                   quality of life with a
                                   straightforward administration and
                                   maintenance system of the city.

               22    Academic      A "smart city" is a city well     Citizens, economy,   Chourabi et al.
                                   performing in a forward‐looking   people, governance,   (2012a)
                                   way in the six characteristics (smart  mobility,
                                   economy, smart people, smart      environment, living.
                                   governance, smart mobility, smart
                                   environment, smart living) built on
                                   the 'smart' combination of
                                   endowments and activities of self‐
                                   decisive, independent and aware

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