Page 84 - Shaping smarter and more sustainable cities - Striving for sustainable development goals
P. 84

Ref.     Category          Definitions/Features           Key concept/            Source
               No.                                                        Keywords

               27    Corporate     Hitachi's vision for the "smart   Coordinated          Hitachi (2014)
                                   sustainable city" seeks to achieve   infrastructure,
                                   concern for the global environment  lifestyle safety,
                                   and lifestyle safety and          lifestyle
                                   convenience through the           convenience, urban
                                   coordination of infrastructure.   infrastructure, IT.
                                   Smart sustainable cities realized
                                   through the coordination of
                                   infrastructures consist of two
                                   infrastructure layers that support
                                   consumers' lifestyles together with
                                   the urban management
                                   infrastructure that links these
                                   together using IT.
               28    Corporate     A smarter city uses technology to   Technology,        IBM (2013)
                                   transform its core systems and    transform, optimize
                                   optimize finite resources. At the   finite resources, real‐
                                   highest levels of maturity, a     time information,
                                   smarter city is a knowledge‐based   decision‐making
                                   system that provides real‐time    information,
                                   insights to stakeholders, as well as   information
                                   enabling decision‐makers to       management,
                                   proactively manage the city's     integration,
                                   subsystems. Effective information   analytics.
                                   management is at the heart of this
                                   capability, and integration and
                                   analytics are the key enablers.
               29    Corporate     Five (5) steps to make a city smart:    Urban systems,   Schneider Electric
                                   (i)  Vision: setting the goal and the  efficiency,     (2014)
                                      roadmap to get there.          technology,
                                   (ii)  Solutions: bringing in the   integration,
                                      technology to improve the      innovation,
                                      efficiency of the urban        efficiency.
                                   (iii)  Integration: combining
                                      information and operations for
                                      overall city efficiency.
                                   (iv)  Innovation: building each city's
                                      specific business model.
                                   (v)  Collaboration: driving
                                      collaboration between global
                                      players and local stakeholders.

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