Page 87 - Shaping smarter and more sustainable cities - Striving for sustainable development goals
P. 87

Ref.     Category          Definitions/Features           Key concept/            Source
               No.                                                        Keywords

               34    Corporate     The "smart sustainable city"      ICT, economy,        Alcatel Lucent
                                   concept is really a framework for a   environment,     (2011)
                                   specific vision of modern urban   sustainability, quality
                                   development. It recognizes the    of life, development,
                                   growing importance of information   renewal, citizen
                                   and communication technologies    representation,
                                   (ICTs) as drivers of economic     financial services,
                                   competitiveness, environmental    smart buildings,
                                   sustainability, and general       smart infrastructure,
                                   liveability. By leveraging ICT as a   water, energy, heat,
                                   core element of their development,  transportation, e‐
                                   the smart sustainable cities of the   services.
                                   future will foster economic growth,
                                   improve the lifestyle of citizens,
                                   create opportunities for urban
                                   development and renewal, support
                                   eco‐sustainability initiatives,
                                   improve the political and
                                   representative process, and
                                   provide access to advanced
                                   financial services.
                                   The right ICT infrastructure will
                                   affect the way each city will be
                                   created and evolved. It will enable
                                   smart sustainable cities to include
                                   vastly enhanced sustainable areas,
                                   such as smart buildings, smart
                                   infrastructures (water, energy,
                                   heat, and transportation) and
                                   smart services (e‐substitutes and
                                   e‐services for travel, health,
                                   education, and entertainment),
                                   which drastically change the urban
                                   experience for city dwellers and

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