Page 90 - Shaping smarter and more sustainable cities - Striving for sustainable development goals
P. 90

Ref.     Category          Definitions/Features           Key concept/            Source
               No.                                                        Keywords

               37    Corporate     A city has common capabilities and   Services, natural   Berton et
                                   delivers a set of common services,   resource          al.Accenture
                                   as well – office and residential   management,         (2014)
                                   buildings, natural resource       transportation,
                                   management, transportation,       health, safety, waste
                                   health and safety, waste          management,
                                   management, education and         education, culture,
                                   culture, public administration and   public
                                   services.                         administration,
                                   One important characteristic that   services, ICT, RFID,
                                   distinguishes an intelligent city is   integrated, smart
                                   the manner in which it delivers   grid, energy, high
                                   services using advanced           speed
                                   technologies: an integration of a   communication.
                                   number of innovations including
                                   communication enabled by
                                   telematics, sensors and RFID
                                   technologies, smart grid
                                   technologies to enable better
                                   energy production and delivery,
                                   intelligent software and services,
                                   and high‐speed communications
                                   technologies that serve as a core
                                   network for all related city, citizen
                                   and business services.
               38    Corporate     The 'Smart Community' is a next‐  Electricity, water,   Takenaka‐ Toshiba
                                   generation community in which the  transportation,     (2012)
                                   management and optimized          logistics, medicine,
                                   control of various infrastructures   information,
                                   such as electricity, water,       integrated,
                                   transportation, logistics, medicine,   optimization, energy,
                                   and information are integrated.   comfortable living.
                                   The 'Smart Community' will provide
                                   comprehensive solutions
                                   encompassing energy, water, and
                                   medical systems in order to realize
                                   a synergetic balance between
                                   environmental considerations and
                                   comfortable living.

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