Page 91 - Shaping smarter and more sustainable cities - Striving for sustainable development goals
P. 91

Ref.     Category          Definitions/Features           Key concept/            Source
               No.                                                        Keywords

               39    Corporate     We define a "smart sustainable    ICT, infrastructure,   Telefónica (2014)
                                   city" as the city that uses       utilities, interactive,
                                   information technology and        efficient, aware,
                                   communications to make both its   environment,
                                   critical infrastructure, its      culture, history.
                                   components and utilities offered
                                   more interactively, efficiently and
                                   where citizens are made more
                                   aware of them. It is a city
                                   committed to the environment,
                                   both environmentally and in terms
                                   of cultural and historical elements.

               40    Corporate     A city that uses data, information   Quality of life,   Arup, Accenture,
                                   and communication technologies    authority,           Horizon, University
                                   strategically to:                 development,         of Nottingham
                                   (i)  provide more efficient, new or   citizens,        (2014)
                                      enhanced services to citizens.   infrastructure.
                                   (ii)  monitor and track
                                      government's progress toward
                                      policy outcomes, including
                                      meeting climate change
                                      mitigation and adaptation
                                   (iii)  manage and optimize the
                                      existing infrastructure, and
                                      plan for a new one more
                                   (iv)  reduce organizational silos and
                                      employ new levels of cross‐
                                      sector collaboration, enable
                                      innovative business models for
                                      public and private sector
                                      service provision.
               41    Corporate     The "smart city" concept includes   ICTs, quality of life,   Huawei (2014)
                                   digital city and wireless city. In a   health, employment.
                                   nutshell, a smart city describes the
                                   integrated management of
                                   information that creates value by
                                   applying advanced technologies to
                                   search, access, transfer, and
                                   process information. A smart city
                                   encompasses e‐home, e‐office,
                                   e‐government, e‐health,
                                   e‐education and e‐traffic.

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