Page 89 - Shaping smarter and more sustainable cities - Striving for sustainable development goals
P. 89

Ref.     Category          Definitions/Features           Key concept/            Source
               No.                                                        Keywords

                                   Cities must also look at other
                                   methods of achieving sustainability,
                                   including resource efficiency,
                                   regenerating aging districts,
                                   ensuring robustness of systems,
                                   and incorporating design and
                                   planning in harmony with their
                                   natural ecosystem, as opposed to
                                   simply living in them.

               36    Corporate     A smart sustainable city is typically   Environment, ICT,   Smart Cities:
                                   defined as "an environmentally    energy, resource     Hitachi (2014)
                                   conscious city that uses          management,
                                   information technology (IT) to    efficiency,
                                   utilize energy and other resources   environment, values
                                   efficiently."                     of citizens, desires of
                                   In Hitachi's vision, a smart      citizens.
                                   sustainable city is one that seeks to
                                   satisfy the desires and values of its
                                   residents, with the use of advanced
                                   IT to improve energy efficiency and
                                   concern for the global environment
                                   as prerequisites, and in so doing
                                   maintains a "well‐balanced
                                   relationship between people and
                                   the Earth."

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