Page 95 - Shaping smarter and more sustainable cities - Striving for sustainable development goals
P. 95

Ref.     Category          Definitions/Features           Key concept/            Source
               No.                                                        Keywords

               49    Corporate     The IBM vision for a smarter city   Quality of life, water   Kehoe‐IBM (2011a)
                                   uses technology to bring cities   and energy
                                   forward so that they can          consumption,
                                   accomplish these types of         networks,
                                   objectives:                       information.
                                   (i)  Quality of life for its citizens
                                      and visitors.
                                   (ii)  A well‐managed city works to
                                      create an optimal urban
                                      environment for its citizens,
                                      visitors, and industries by
                                      focusing on urban design,
                                      energy and water
                                      management, and an efficient
                                      and easy‐to‐use transportation
                                      system. These cities provide
                                      better performing and reliable
                                      city services that enable
                                      simplified and integrated
                                      access to services.
                                   (iii)  A healthy and safe city
                                      addresses the health and
                                      safety of residents and visitors
                                      through innovations in local
                                      health care networks, disease
                                      management and prevention,
                                      social services, food safety,
                                      public safety, and individual
                                      information privacy.
                                   (iv)  A sustainable city implements
                                      concrete measures toward
                                      sustainability through, for
                                      example, reduced
                                      consumption of energy and
                                      water and reduced emissions
                                      of CO2. Possible measures that
                                      can make a city sustainable
                                      include urban planning
                                      principles for mixed land use,
                                      architecture and construction
                                      principles for buildings, and
                                      methods to use rainwater
                                      instead of treated water.

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